- Accounting (ACCT)
- Accounting - Bloomfield College (ACC)
- Advising (ADVS)
- African American Studies (AFAM)
- Africana Studies - Bloomfield College (AFS)
- American Sign Language (AMSL)
- American Studies (AMSD)
- Animation and Visual Effects (ANIM)
- Anthropology (ANTH)
- Applied Linguistics (APLN)
- Applied Mathematics (AMAT)
- Aquatic and Coastal Sciences (AQUA)
- Arabic (ARAB)
- Arabic/Interdisciplinary (ARIN)
- Art & Design/Art-Non-Majors (ARAN)
- Art & Design/Art Studio (ARST)
- Art & Design/Ceramics (ARCE)
- Art & Design/Criticism (ARCR)
- Art & Design/Drawing (ARDW)
- Art & Design/Education (ARED)
- Art & Design/Fibers (ARFI)
- Art & Design/Foundations (ARFD)
- Art & Design/General Studies (ARGS)
- Art & Design/Graphic Design (ARGD)
- Art & Design/Illustration (ARIL)
- Art & Design/Industrial Design (ARID)
- Art & Design/Metalwork & Jewelry (ARMJ)
- Art & Design/Museum Studies (ARHM)
- Art & Design/Painting (ARPA)
- Art & Design/Photography (ARPH)
- Art & Design/Printmaking & Papermaking (ARPM)
- Art & Design/Product Design (PRDN)
- Art & Design/Sculpture (ARSC)
- Art & Design/Therapy (ARTH)
- Art & Design/Visual Communication Design (VCDS)
- Art History (ARHT)
- Arts & Health (ARHL)
- Athletic Training (ATTR)
- Biology (BIOL)
- Biology - Bloomfield College (BIO)
- Biology/Marine Sciences (BIMS)
- Business - Bloomfield College (BUS)
- Business Communication (BCOM)
- Business/General (BUGN)
- Business Law (BSLW)
- Chemistry - Bloomfield College (CHM)
- Chemistry (CHEM)
- Child Advocacy (CHAD)
- Chinese (CHIN)
- Chinese/Interdisciplinary (CHEN)
- Classics/Greek (GREK)
- Classics/Latin (LATN)
- College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHSC)
- College of Science and Mathematics (CSAM)
- Communication and Media Arts (CMDA)
- Communication - Bloomfield College (COM)
- Communication Science & Disorders (CSND)
- Communication Studies (CMST)
- Computer Science - Bloomfield College (CMP)
- Computer Science/Information Technology (CSIT)
- Cooperative Education (COED)
- Counseling, Human Service & Guidance (COUN)
- Creative Arts and Technology - Bloomfield College (CAT)
- Creative Thinking (CRTH)
- Creative Writing - Bloomfield College (CWR)
- Criminology and Social Justice - Bloomfield College (CSJ)
- Early Childhood & Elementary Education (ECEL)
- Early Child Special Education (ECSE)
- Earth & Environmental Studies (EAES)
- Economics - Bloomfield College (ECN)
- Economics (ECON)
- Educational Administration (ELAD)
- Educational Foundations (EDFD)
- Educational Media (MEDI)
- Education - Bloomfield College (EDC)
- English - Bloomfield College (ENG)
- English (ENGL)
- English/Film (ENFL)
- English/Literature (ENLT)
- English/Writing (ENWR)
- Entrepreneurship (ENTR)
- Evaluation (EVAL)
- Exercise Science (EXSC)
- Family Science and Human Development (FSHD)
- Fashion Studies (ARTX)
- Film and Television (FMTV)
- Film (FILM)
- Finance (FINC)
- First Year Seminar - Bloomfield College (FYS)
- French - Bloomfield College (FRN)
- French (FREN)
- French/Interdisciplinary (FRIN)
- Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual, Transgender, Queer Studies (GLQS)
- Gender, Sexuality and Women's Studies (GSWS)
- General Education (GNED)
- Generic Graduate Course (GRAD)
- German/Interdisciplinary (GRIN)
- German/Slavic (GERM)
- Health Professions Education Dual Cert Major (HPEM)
- Health Professions (HLTH)
- Hebrew (HEBR)
- Hebrew/Interdisciplinary (HEIN)
- Higher Education (HIED)
- History - Bloomfield College (HIS)
- History (HIST)
- Honors Program - Bloomfield College (HON)
- Honors Program (HONP)
- Hospitality and Tourism (HSET)
- Humanities (HUMN)
- Infant Early Childhood Mental Health (ICMH)
- Information & Decision Science (INFO)
- Interdisciplinary Studies - Bloomfield College (IDS)
- Interdisciplinary Studies (INTD)
- International Business (INBS)
- International Studies (INTL)
- Italian (ITAL)
- Japanese (JAPN)
- Jewish American Studies (JAST)
- Journalism (JOUR)
- Jurisprudence (JURI)
- Justice Studies (JUST)
- Latin American and Caribbean Studies - Bloomfield College (LAC)
- Latin American and Latino Studies (LALS)
- Law/Law & Governance (LAWS)
- Leadership Development (LEAD)
- Linguistics/ESOL (ESOL)
- Linguistics (LNGN)
- Management (MGMT)
- Marketing (MKTG)
- Mathematics - Bloomfield College (MTH)
- Mathematics (MATH)
- Mathematics/Middle Grades (MTHM)
- Medical Humanities (MEDH)
- Modern Languages & Literatures (MLLT)
- Musical Theatre (MTTH)
- Music/Applied Music (MUSI)
- Music/Education (MUED)
- Music/Ensemble (MUEN)
- Music/General (MUGN)
- Music/History (MUHS)
- Music/Literature (MULT)
- Music/Management (MUMG)
- Music/Performance (MUPR)
- Music/Secondary Instrument Class (MSSN)
- Music/Technology (MUTC)
- Music/Theory/Composition (MUCP)
- Music/Therapy (MUTH)
- Native American and Indigenous Studies (NAIS)
- Nursing - Bloomfield College (NUR)
- Nursing (NURS)
- Nutrition & Food Science (NUFD)
- Paralegal Studies (PALG)
- Philosophy (PHIL)
- Physical Education/Major (PEMJ)
- Physical Education/Non-Major (PEGN)
- Physical Marine Science (PHMS)
- Physics - Bloomfield College (PHY)
- Physics Education (PHED)
- Physics (PHYS)
- Political Science (POLS)
- Portuguese (PORT)
- Psychology - Bloomfield College (PSY)
- Psychology/Community (PCOM)
- Psychology (PSYC)
- Reading (READ)
- Real Estate (REAL)
- Recording Arts and Production (MURP)
- Religion - Bloomfield College (REL)
- Religion (RELG)
- Russian/Interdisciplinary (RUIN)
- Russian (RUSS)
- Science - Bloomfield College (SCI)
- Secondary & Special Education (SASE)
- Social Work (SOWK)
- Sociology - Bloomfield College (SOC)
- Sociology (SOCI)
- Spanish - Bloomfield College (SPA)
- Spanish/Italian Interdisciplinary (SPIN)
- Spanish (SPAN)
- Special Education (SPED)
- Sports Administration (SPAD)
- Sports Communication (SPTC)
- Statistics (STAT)
- Strategic Communication (STCM)
- Teacher Education & Teacher Development (TETD)
- Teaching and Learning (TLRN)
- Teaching English Language Learners (TELL)
- Television and Digital Media (TVDM)
- Theatre (THTR)