Secondary Education (B.A.)

Students pursuing the Secondary Education major must complete one of the following approved primary majors. Unless otherwise noted, the teacher certification will be in the subject area covered in the primary major.

Biology Biological Science certification


Dance - Dance Education Concentration 

Earth and Environmental Science Earth Science certification



Geography Social Studies certification

History Social Studies certification



Linguistics English as a Second Language certification

Mathematics - Mathematics Education Concentration

Music - Music Education Concentration

Physical Education Health and Physical Education certifications

Physics Physical Science certification

Physics Physics certification

Political Science Social Studies certification

Psychology  Social Studies certification

Sociology Social Studies certification


Theatre Studies - Theatre Education Concentration - Theatre certification

Visual Arts - Art Education Concentration - Art certification

Program Requirements Overview

Professional Sequence30-34
Total Credits36-44

Program Requirements

SASE 210Public Purposes of Education: Democracy and Schooling3
EDFD 200Psychological Foundations of Education3
or FSHD 216 Adolescent Development
Physiology/Hygiene Requirement - complete an approved course or take the Health Knowledge test. See a Teacher Education Program advisor for more information.0-4
Total Credits6-10
Professional Sequence
Professional Sequence courses must be completed with a grade of B- or higher.
SASE 320Curriculum Design for Inclusive Classrooms3
SASE 321Assessment Practices for Inclusive Classrooms3
SASE 322Language and Learning in Content Area Teaching3
Methods of Teaching Courses
Select a Methods of Teaching course or courses according to major:3-7
Foundations of Methods and Curriculum in Art Education II: P-12 (Visual Arts major)
Dance Methods (Dance major)
Teaching English (secondary) (English major)
Teaching French in P-12: Practice (French major)
The Teaching of Health
and Teaching of Secondary Physical Education (Physical Education major)
The Teaching of Italian in Elementary and Secondary Schools (Italian major)
Methods of Teaching Latin (Latin major)
Methods and Material of TESL (Linguistics major)
Teaching of Mathematics (Mathematics major)
Music Classroom Methods I
and Music Classroom Methods II (Music major)
Methods of Teaching Social Studies (History, Geography, Political Science, Psychology, or Sociology major))
Methods of Teaching Science in Secondary Schools (Biology, Chemistry, Earth & Environmental Science, or Physics major)
Teaching Spanish in K-12 (Spanish major)
Theatre Teaching Methods (Theatre Studies major)
Professional Year Courses
SASE 450Clinical Practice I3
SASE 451Seminar in Inclusive Pedagogies3
SASE 452Advanced Seminar in Inclusive Pedagogies3
SASE 453Clinical Practice II9
Total Credits30-34