World Languages and Cultures Requirements

World Languages Requirement

All undergraduate students, regardless of major, must take 3-6 semester hours (s.h.) of the same foreign language, depending upon their previous experience with the language.

  • Students who place at or beyond the third semester level must take one additional course (3 s.h.) in that language.
  • Students who place below the third semester level must take two additional courses (6 s.h.) in that language.
  • Students wishing to begin a new language with which they have no experience must take two courses (6 s.h.) in that language.
  • Certain majors may have specific language requirements.  See the individual program page for details.

NOTE: Only elective credit is given for the first semester level (101) of a language already studied in high school or at another college or university.

Click here for more information about the World Languages Requirement or on Language Placement Testing.

Take two sequential courses from below (Students proficient to enter the third level need only take three credits of level 3 or 4)
American Sign Language
AMSL 101
AMSL 102
Beginning American Sign Language I
and Beginning American Sign Language II
ARAB 101
ARAB 112
Beginning Arabic I
and Beginning Arabic II
ARAB 112
ARAB 121
Beginning Arabic II
and Intermediate Arabic I
ARAB 121Intermediate Arabic I3
ARAB 132Intermediate Arabic II3
ARAB 203Advanced Arabic I3
ARAB 204Advanced Arabic II3
ARAB 351Advanced Spoken Arabic3
CHIN 101
CHIN 112
Beginning Chinese I
and Beginning Chinese II
CHIN 112
CHIN 121
Beginning Chinese II
and Intermediate Chinese I
CHIN 121Intermediate Chinese I3
CHIN 132Intermediate Chinese II3
CHIN 303Introduction to Chinese Culture3
CHIN 410Perfecting Chinese Grammar3
WLNC 368Special Topics in Asian Culture3
FREN 101
FREN 112
Beginning French I
and Beginning French II
FREN 112
FREN 121
Beginning French II
and Intermediate French
FREN 121Intermediate French3
FREN 132Intermediate French II3
FREN 203Mastering French3
FREN 204French Stylistics and Composition3
GERM 101
GERM 102
Beginning German I
and Beginning German II
GERM 102
GERM 121
Beginning German II
and Intermediate German I
GERM 115Intensive Beginning German6
GERM 121Intermediate German I3
GERM 132Intermediate German II3
GERM 201
GERM 202
Advanced German I
and Advanced German II
GERM 202Advanced German II3
GREK 101
GREK 102
Beginning Greek I
and Beginning Greek II
GREK 102
GREK 201
Beginning Greek II
and Intermediate Greek I
GREK 201Intermediate Greek I3
GREK 202Intermediate Greek II3
HEBR 101
HEBR 112
Beginning Hebrew I
and Beginning Hebrew II
HEBR 112
HEBR 121
Beginning Hebrew II
and Intermediate Hebrew I
HEBR 121Intermediate Hebrew I3
HEBR 132Intermediate Hebrew II3
HEBR 151Advanced Hebrew I3
HEBR 152Advanced Hebrew II3
HEBR 201Israeli-Hebrew Culture3
ITAL 101
ITAL 102
Italian I
and Italian II
ITAL 102
ITAL 140
Italian II
and Comprehensive Italian III and IV
ITAL 111Comprehensive Beginning Italian for Spanish Speakers3
ITAL 140Comprehensive Italian III and IV3
ITAL 211Comprehensive Intermediate Italian for Spanish Speakers3
JAPN 101
JAPN 112
Beginning Japanese I
and Beginning Japanese II
JAPN 112
JAPN 121
Beginning Japanese II
and Intermediate Japanese I
JAPN 121Intermediate Japanese I3
JAPN 132Intermediate Japanese II3
JAPN 207Kanji through Reading3
JAPN 251Advanced Japanese I3
JAPN 252Advanced Japanese II3
JAPN 301Advanced Japanese III3
JAPN 401Advanced Japanese IV3
KORE 101
KORE 102
Beginning Korean I
and Beginning Korean II
KORE 102
KORE 121
Beginning Korean II
and Intermediate Korean I
KORE 121Intermediate Korean I3
KORE 132Intermediate Korean II3
KORE 201Mastering Korean: Daily Life in Korea3
KORE 206Conversational Korean through K-Pop and Popular Culture3
KORE 308Reading in Korean3
KORE 331Business Korean3
KORE 375Korean Study Abroad3-9
KORE 410Perfecting Korean Grammar3
LATN 101
LATN 102
Beginning Latin I
and Beginning Latin II
LATN 102
LATN 205
Beginning Latin II
and Intermediate Latin I
LATN 150Intensive Beginning Latin6
LATN 205Intermediate Latin I3
LATN 206Intermediate Latin II3
PORT 101
PORT 102
Elementary Portuguese I
and Elementary Portuguese II
PORT 102
PORT 103
Elementary Portuguese II
and Portuguese III
PORT 103Portuguese III3
PORT 104Portuguese IV3
RUSS 101
RUSS 102
Beginning Russian I
and Beginning Russian II
RUSS 102
RUSS 121
Beginning Russian II
and Intermediate and Heritage Russian
RUSS 121Intermediate and Heritage Russian3
RUSS 132Spoken and Written Language Practice3
RUSS 201Advanced Russian I3
RUSS 202Advanced Russian II3
SPAN 101
SPAN 102
Spanish I
and Spanish II
SPAN 102
SPAN 103
Spanish II
and Spanish III
SPAN 103Spanish III3
SPAN 104Spanish IV3
SPAN 110Practical Spanish for Law Enforcement Personnel3
SPAN 135Basic Spanish for Heritage Learners3
SPAN 145Spanish Language Review Through Literature, Culture and Film3
For Students Whose 1st Language Is Not English
ESOL 172Academic Reading3
ESOL 173Academic Writing3

World Cultures Requirement

Some courses may also fulfill General Education and/or Major requirements.
ANTH 100Cultural Anthropology 23
ANTH 110Anthropology of Multicultural America 33
ANTH 115Cultures of the Middle East 23
ANTH 120Native North Americans 23
ANTH 130Cultures of South Asia 23
ANTH 140Non-Western Contributions to the Western World 23
ANTH 150Cultures of Latin America 23
ANTH 160The Anthropology of Race 33
ANTH 255Urban Anthropology 33
ANTH 380Anthropology: Gender and Sexuality3
ARAB 193Introduction to Arab Culture 23
ARHT 191African-American Art3
ARHT 281African Art: Sub-Saharan3
ARIN 193Introduction to Arab Culture3
ARTX 201Culture and Appearance 33
DNCE 145Worlds of Dance (Required for BFA Dance majors) 23
EAES 272Land and Life in Latin America3
EAES 281Introduction to American Urban Studies3
EAES 283Urban Georgraphy3
EAES 381Urban Field Studies3
ECON 215The Economics of Social Problems3
EDFD 264Gender Issues in Education 33
ENGL 237Black Women Writers: US3
ENGL 238Black Writers in the United States: A Survey3
ENGL 274Contemporary U.S. Literature of Immigration3
ENGL 294Women Poets3
FSHD 205Women in Contemporary Society3
FSHD 418Working with Diverse Families and Children3
FSHD 445Poverty and Families3
FREN 283Introduction to Women Authors of French-Speaking Africa 23
FREN 289Francophone Film 23
FRIN 283Introduction to Women Authors of French-Speaking Africa 23
FRIN 289Francophone Film 23
GSWS 102Introduction to Women's and Gender Studies 33
GSWS 200Transnational Feminisms3
GSWS 481The Legal Rights of Women3
HIST 108African History (May be completed in the History major.) 23
HIST 114Early Latin American History (May be completed in the History major.) 23
HIST 131Introduction to Indian Civilization (May be completed in the History major.)3
HIST 132Introduction to Chinese Civilization (May be completed in the History major.)3
HIST 133Modern Chinese Civilization (May be completed in the History major.)3
HIST 138Introduction to Modern South Asia (May be completed in the History major.) 23
HIST 205Race and Ethnicity in United States History3
HIST 215U.S. Women’s History3
HIST 217African American History3
HUMN 217Reading Asian Cultures 23
HUMN 289Francophone Film 23
HUMN 381Africa in Classical Antiquity3
HUMN 383Women in Antiquity3
JAST 201Introduction to Jewish American Studies3
LALS 201Perspectives on Latin America 23
LALS 205Image and Identity: Representation of Latin American Women in Film and Fiction 23
LAWS 220Conflict and Its Resolution 33
LNGN 255Language and Gender3
MGMT 332Diversity In Business3
MUGN 109Introduction to Jazz 13
MUGN 120Rap and Rock as Cultural Phenomena 13
MUGN 150Influence of Afro-American Culture on Music3
MUGN 309The Art of Jazz3
NUFD 153Dynamics of Food and Society 33
PHIL 237Asian Philosophy 23
POLS 204Government and Politics of Africa3
POLS 206Government and Politics of China and Japan 23
POLS 214Women in Politics3
POLS 215Ethnic Politics in America3
POLS 312Black Politics in the United States3
POLS 340Government and Politics of India and South Asia3
POLS 341Government and Politics of Latin America3
PSYC 231Psychology of Aggression3
PSYC 245Hispanic/Latino Psychology3
PSYC 246Psychology of the Black Experience3
PSYC 265Psychology of Women3
RELG 213Buddhism3
RELG 240Asian Religions 23
RELG 250African Religions 23
RELG 252Africana Religions in the Americas 23
RELG 254Native American Religion 23
RELG 267Women and Religion3
RUIN 297Women in Russian Literature3
SASE 412Field Work in Urban Education1-3
SASE 423Teaching in Urban Schools3
SOCI 102Racial and Ethnic Relations 33
SOCI 311Urban Sociology3
SOCI 315Social Inequality3
SOCI 430Sociology of Gender3
SPAN 376Cultural Studies: Latin America and the Caribbean3
SPAN 472Puerto Rican Literature and Thought3
SPIN 161Magic Realism in Spanish American Literature3
THTR 265The Contemporary Theatre of Cultural Diversity 13
THTR 280The Power of Masks3
VIST 109Special Topics in Global Art Cultures3

Course also fulfills General Education - Fine and Performing Arts requirement.


Course also fulfills General Education - Social Science: Global Cultural Perspectives requirement.


Course also fulfills General Education - Social Science: Social Science Perspectives requirement.