Teaching, with Teacher Certification in Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6 and Teacher of Students with Disabilities (M.A.T.) (Combined B.A./M.A.T.)

The Bachelor's/MAT Dual-Certification Inclusive Education Program provides students with the opportunity to receive both a bachelor's and Master of Arts in Teaching (MAT) degree with teacher certification in both general education and special education. The program is designed to help teachers develop competencies needed to teach students who have disabilities along with those who do not.

In this program, students complete general education and major requirements and an initial set of coursework in education as undergraduates. As graduate students, they will complete the coursework in education and conduct their fieldwork and student teaching. For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.

Program Requirements

Swing Courses Taken in Undergraduate Semesters
ECSE 523Communication, Collaboration and Consultation in Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Contexts3
ECSE 536Observation and Assessment of Elementary Age Children with Disabilities3
READ 515Literacy Strategies for the Inclusive Elementary Classroom3
Summer Semester
ECSE 580Conceptual Foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Bio-Psych-Social Perspectives3
ECEL 691Issues, Policies and Trends in Inclusive Education3
ECSE 508Strengthening Partnerships with Families of Children with Disabilities3
Fall Semester, Clinical Practice 1
ECEL 502Seminar I: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms1-3
ECEL 510Clinical Practice I: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary2-3
ECEL 517Integrating Science and Technology in Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms3
ECSE 542Inclusive Pedagogies for Students with Complex Learning and Behavioral Needs3
Spring Semester, Clinical Practice 2
ECEL 504Seminar II: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms3
ECEL 511Clinical Practice II: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms6
Comprehensive Examination
In the term that you will sit for exam, register for the section which matches your major & advisor. Successfully pass exam.
Comprehensive Examination
Total Credits36-39