Teaching, with Teacher Certifications in Elementary School Teacher in Grades K-6 and Students with Disabilities (M.A.T.)

For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.


Program Requirements

Child Development
FSHD 512Child Development I: Theories of Child Development3
CMST 101Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement (may be completed by examination)3
Physiology and Hygiene
Pass the MSU Health Knowledge Test available through the Center of Pedagogy or have Undergraduate equivalent course approved by advisor.
Praxis Scores
Submit passing PRAXIS I scores (or qualifying exemptions) as part of application.
Completion and passing score on PRAXIS II: Elementary Education.
Core Courses
ECEL 501Perspectives on Early Childhood and Elementary Education in a Diverse Society3
ECSE 502Sociocultural Context of Disability and Inclusive Education3
ECSE 505Learning and Development in Children With and Without Disabilities3
ECSE 508Strengthening Partnerships with Families of Children with Disabilities3
ECSE 536Observation and Assessment of Elementary Age Children with Disabilities3
ECSE 539Pedagogy in Inclusive Elementary Education3
ECSE 580Conceptual Foundations of Autism Spectrum Disorders: Bio-Psych-Social Perspectives3
EDFD 503Methods of Research3
READ 500Literacy Foundations3
READ 515Literacy Strategies for the Inclusive Elementary Classroom3
ECEL 516Social Studies and the Arts: Understanding Democracy in Elementary Classrooms3
MTHM 577Mathematics Education in the Elementary School3
Professional Sequence
Semester Before Student Teaching
ECEL 502Seminar I: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms1
ECEL 510Clinical Practice I: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary2
ECEL 517Integrating Science and Technology in Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms3
Student Teaching Semester
ed TPA Assessment Requirement
ECEL 504Seminar II: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms3
ECEL 511Clinical Practice II: Inclusive Early Childhood and Elementary Classrooms6
or ECEL 514 In-Service Supervised Graduate Clinical Practice
(ECEL 514 is for students in full-time teaching positions).
Comprehensive Examination
In the term that you will sit for exam, register for the section which matches your major & advisor. Successfully pass exam.
Comprehensive Examination
Total Credits57