Public Health Minor

A minor in public health provides students with basic knowledge about the major causes of poor health outcomes domestically and globally as well as how health promotion and disease prevention interventions can protect and enhance the health and well-being of populations.  Because health affects almost every aspect of human life, a minor in public health is useful preparation for careers in many fields:

  • Students planning careers in government or politics will benefit from an understanding of health as it relates to policy and administration.
  • Because health policy and health issues are constantly at the top of the news, communications and journalism majors may want to develop a deeper understanding of health-related issues.
  • With the healthcare industry being one of the nation’s top employers, students aiming for business or economics careers might be interested in a focus in the area of health.
  • Finally, an understanding of public health will broaden the perspectives of students in any health or human services professions such as education, science, medicine, nursing, psychology, or nutrition.

Program Requirements

Required Courses
HLTH 102Introduction to Public Health3
HLTH 202Public Health Foundations, Ethics, and Cultural Competency3
or HLTH 204 Social and Behavioral Aspects of Health
HLTH 330Health Education Methods3
or HLTH 365 Science of Public Health: Epidemiology
Select three of the following:9
Medical Terminology
Public Health Foundations, Ethics, and Cultural Competency (can only count as an elective if not taken as a required course)
Social and Behavioral Aspects of Health (can only count as an elective if not taken as a required course)
Injury Prevention and Emergency Care
Study of Human Diseases
Perspectives on Drugs
Mental Health
Foundations of Environmental Health
Human Sexuality
Program Planning and Evaluation
Health Education Methods (can only count as an elective if not taken as a required course)
Special Topics in Health
Addressing Health Disparities Through Social Justice
Health Policy and Administration
Science of Public Health: Epidemiology (can only count as an elective if not taken as a required course)
Health Communication
School Health and Community Services
Applied Statistics for Public Health
Counseling Skills for Public Health Professionals
Advanced Methods in Health Education
Population Approaches to Diet and Activity
Health Aspects of Aging
Community Organizing and Health Advocacy
Race, Racism, and Health
Gender, Sexuality, and Health Disparities
Managing Programs
Total Credits18