Music Minor

The music minor is, for the foreseeable future, available only to those students who have already completed most of the coursework, i.e., former music majors who have changed their major after a year or more of study in music.  The School of Music is not able to offer enough seats in the required classes to accommodate the number of students wishing to pursue the minor.  However, we do invite all students to participate in the MUGN classes that are offered each semester; as well as MUPR 100 and MUPR 103, voice and piano classes. We also invite participation in our large ensembles, Chorale (MUEN 100), the Concert Bands (MUEN 120), or Orchestra (MUEN 110), all of which require an audition for participation; or Campus Band (MUEN 120 03) and a Pep Band (not-for credit, plays for athletic events) that can be taken without audition.

The Cali School presents over 300 performances every year ( as well as an Immersive Residency program that brings guest musicians from all musical genres to the campus for a week to perforrm and to work with students in music classes and in other classes across the campus. Most of these events are open to all students on campus. The most current information about those activities can be found on this website:

Program Requirements

Required Courses
MUCP 101Theory I3
MUCP 102Theory II3
MUCP 103Aural Skills I1
MUCP 104Aural Skills II1
Select one of the following specializations:14-16
Music Skills
Keyboard Musicianship I
Keyboard Musicianship II
Introduction to Music
Complete 8 credits from the following (See Music Dept. for placement):
Applied Music
Select 2 credits from the following:
Montclair State University Chorale
Complete the following course two times:
Performance Practicum 1
Music Literature
Introduction to Music
Select 2 credits from the following:
Montclair State University Chorale
Select 9 credits from the following:
Diverse Worlds of Music
Music in Time, Place and Ideas: Up to 1700
Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1700-1890
Special Topics in Music I
Special Topics in Music History
Special Topics in Music History
Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present
Problems in Music Historiography
Honors - Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1890 to Present
Music of the 19th Century
Esthetics of Music
Independent Study in Music History and Literature
Music History/Theory
Keyboard Musicianship I
Keyboard Musicianship II
Theory III
Theory IV
Aural Skills III
Aural Skills IV
Music in Time, Place and Ideas: Up to 1700
Music in Time, Place and Ideas: 1700-1890
Total Credits22-24

 MUPR 139 must be completed two times (there is no credit associated with this course).