Humanities (B.A.)(Combined B.A./M.A.T with Teacher Certification in Grades K- 6 and Teacher of Students with Disabilities.)

A Combined Degree program enables undergraduate students to enroll in graduate courses in their senior year, which can be counted towards the completion of both their Bachelor's and Master's degree requirements.  The ability to take these "swing courses" allows students to earn both their Bachelor's and Master's degrees in a shortened period of time, typically within five years.  Undergraduate students interested in this option can find more information regarding program requirements on the University's Combined Programs website.

The Combined Degree with Dual Certification Program is a 5-year Program that leads to teacher certification in elementary education (K-6) teacher certification in Teacher of Student Disabilities, a baccalaureate degree in Humanities and master's degree. Interested students must apply to and be admitted to the Teacher Education Program as an undergraduate. Students must successfully complete the undergraduate portion of the program in order to be admitted to the Graduate School and complete the one year master's portion of the program.

Please visit the Teacher Education website for the required undergraduate professional sequence of courses, overall course outline, and other important Program requirements, guidelines and procedures. Students are also strongly advised to review the Teacher Education Program Handbook.

120 credits of coursework is required for the baccalaureate degree. For this program, a student must complete the baccalaureate degree with a minimum 3.25 overall GPA and a minimum 3.25 major GPA.


Program Requirements Overview

General Education Requirements14
World Languages and Cultures Requirements3-6
Major Requirements37
Teacher Education Program Requirements60
Free Electives6-3
Total Credits120

Major Requirements

Requirements for the graduate portion of this combined program can be found here.
Required Core Courses
HUMN 201General Humanities I (to 1400)3
HUMN 202General Humanities II (from 1400)3
HUMN 285Mythology3
HUMN 499Senior Humanities Seminar4
Humanities Electives
Complete one course from 2 out of 3 History categories listed below.6
Complete one course from the list below.3
Complete one couse from the list below.3
Myth Studies
Complete one couse from the list below.3
National Literature
Complete one couse from the list below.3
Comparative Literature
HUMN 217Reading Asian Cultures3
Art and Music
Complete one course from the list below.3
Total Credits37



Select two of the following three requirements:6
Earlier Western History
Select 0-3 credits from the following:
Greek Civilization
Roman Civilization
Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Ancient World
Special Topics in Ancient History (Greece, Rome, W. Asia, N. Africa, Europe)
Imaging Medieval and Early Modern Women
The City in Antiquity
Alexander the Great: Legend and Legacy
The Roman Republic
The Roman Empire
Special Topics in Mediterranean Archaeology
Field Methods in Mediterranean Archaeology
Africa in Classical Antiquity
Introduction to Roman Law
Medieval Times
Age of Renaissance, 1350-1517
Later Western History
Select 0-3 credits from the following:
Social History of the United States
Economic History of the United States
History of United States Foreign Relations
U.S. Women’s History
African American History
Political History of the United States
Feminist Ideas in Western Thought
Historical Geography of the United States
History of Russia to 1917
Russia Since 1917
U.S. Immigration History
Cultural and Intellectual History of the United States Since 1880
European Social History
The Reformation Era, 1500-1650
The Nazi Third Reich
The Holocaust, 1939-1945
American Colonial History 1607-1763
The Civil War and Reconstruction Era, 1845-1877
The Gilded Age and Progressive Era, 1877-1920
The Rise and Decline of the New Deal Order: United States Politics and Society, 1920·1980
America in the Sixties: The Crisis of Consensus Liberalism
Urban Politics
Black Politics in the United States
The American Presidency
Contemporary Western European Politics
Non-Western History
Select 0-3 credits from the following:
African History
Early Latin American History
Modern Latin America
Modern Japan: A History of Japan From the Meiji Through the Showa
Introduction to Indian Civilization
Introduction to Chinese Civilization
Modern Chinese Civilization
Communist Revolution in China
Chinese Social History Through Literature
History of Brazil
Women and Gender in the Middle East: Past and Present
Revolutions in Latin American History
Development of Japanese Character and Culture
Government and Politics of Africa
Government and Politics of China and Japan
Government and Politics of the Middle East
Total Credits6


HUMN 454Lucretius and Ancient Science3
JUST 360Rights, Liberties and American Justice3
PHIL 102Ethics3
PHIL 202Ethics and Business3
PHIL 204Philosophical Issues in Biomedical Ethics3
PHIL 206Philosophical Issues in Law and Justice3
PHIL 212Social and Political Philosophy3
PHIL 231American Philosophy3
PHIL 233Contemporary Philosophers3
PHIL 237Asian Philosophy3
PHIL 239Existentialism3
PHIL 260Philosophies of Art3
PHIL 262Philosophy of Religion3
PHIL 264Critical Reasoning and Arguments3
PHIL 266Philosophy of Science3
PHIL 270Philosophy of Mind3
PHIL 271Philosophy of Sport3
PHIL 280Philosophy of Technology3
PHIL 290Special Topics in Fields in Philosophy3
PHIL 295Special Topics in Periods and Movements3
PHIL 297Special Topics in Periods and Movements3
PHIL 310Knowledge, Belief and Truth3
PHIL 312Existence and Reality3
PHIL 316Philosophy of Law3
PHIL 324Legal Reasoning3
or JURI 324 Legal Reasoning
PHIL 330Philosophy and Death3
PHIL 331History of Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy3
PHIL 333History of Philosophy: Modern Philosophy3
PHIL 390Special Topics in Fields of Philosophy3
PHIL 395Special Topics in Periods of Movements3
PHIL 397Special Topics in Periods of Movements3
PHIL 424Seminar in Philosophy3
POLS 215Ethnic Politics in America3
POLS 307American Political Thought3
POLS 323American Constitutional Law: Civil Rights and Liberties3


RELG 200Old Testament/Hebrew Scriptures3
RELG 204New Testament/Christian Scriptures3
RELG 207American Religious Texts3
RELG 209Introduction to Greek and Roman Religion3
or HUMN 209 Introduction to Greek and Roman Religion
RELG 213Buddhism3
RELG 214Asian Texts3
RELG 215Hinduism3
RELG 217Taoism3
RELG 218Death, Dying and Afterlife3
RELG 221Religion and Culture3
RELG 223Religion in the United States3
RELG 225Religion and Social Activism3
RELG 240Asian Religions3
RELG 246Islamic Religious Traditions3
RELG 254Native American Religion3
RELG 256Religion in Latin America3
RELG 267Women and Religion3
RELG 273The Holocaust: Religious Perspectives3
RELG 301Spirituality and Mysticism3
RELG 362Philosophy of Religion3
RELG 363Psychology of Religion3

Myth Studies

ENGL 210Myth and Literature3
ENGL 366African Myth and Literature3
HUMN 220Celtic Mythology3
HUMN 221Viking Mythology3
HUMN 288Mythic Traditions3
HUMN 320Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Humanities (Course may be used if the topic is appropriate.)3
HUMN 380The Mythology of JRR Tolkien's Middle-Earth3
HUMN 385Greek Tragedy3
HUMN 470Seminar in Classical Humanities3
HUMN 490Principles of Mythic Symbolism3
RELG 332Myth, Meaning and Self3

National Literature

ENGL 234American Drama3
ENGL 238Black Writers in the United States: A Survey3
ENGL 239Social Protest Literature in America3
ENGL 240English Literature I: Beginnings to 16603
ENGL 241English Literature II: 1660 to Present3
ENGL 250Special Topics in English or American Literature3
ENGL 256English Novel to 19003
ENGL 275Vietnam War and American Culture3
ENGL 294Women Poets3
ENGL 301The Novels of Toni Morrison3
ENGL 324American Poetry to 19403
ENGL 325American Poetry: World War II to Present3
ENGL 326Early American Literature3
ENGL 333Literature of American Renaissance3
ENGL 336American Literary Realism3
ENGL 337Modern American Fiction3
ENGL 338Recent American Fiction 1990 to Present3
ENGL 341Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century3
ENGL 343Milton3
ENGL 344Chaucer3
ENGL 345Medieval English Literature3
ENGL 34619th Century English Romantic Literature3
ENGL 347Victorian Poetry3
ENGL 348Renaissance Literature3
ENGL 352English Drama: Beginnings to 16423
ENGL 353Shakespeare: Comedies-Histories3
ENGL 354Shakespeare: Tragedies-Romances3
ENGL 364Contemporary Poetry3
ENGL 401Old English Language and Literature3
ENGL 493Seminar in American Literature3
ENGL 494Seminar in English Literature3
HUMN 160Digital Transformations in the Humanities3

Art and Music

ARHT 191African-American Art3
ARHT 280Asian Art3
ARHT 281African Art: Sub-Saharan3
HUMN 314Greek Art3
HUMN 315Roman Art3
HUMN 321Early Medieval Art: Early Christian, Byzantine Early Medieval3
ARHT 322Medieval Art: Romanesque and Gothic3
ARHT 331Renaissance Art in Italy: The Fifteenth Century3
ARHT 332Renaissance Art in Italy: The Sixteenth Century3
ARHT 336Northern Renaissance Painting3
ARHT 340Seventeenth and Eighteenth Century Art3
ARHT 350Art of the Nineteenth Century3
ARHT 360Twentieth-Century Art3
ARHT 361Modern Architecture3
ARHT 490Special Topics in Art History3
MUGN 100Introduction to Music3
MUGN 109Introduction to Jazz3
MUGN 120Rap and Rock as Cultural Phenomena3
MUGN 136The History of Broadway3
MUGN 150Influence of Afro-American Culture on Music3
MUGN 160Introduction to Music in World Cultures3
VIST 109Special Topics in Global Art Cultures3
VIST 203Modern Philosophies of Art3
VIST 205History of Contemporary Art3
VIST 272History of Product Design3
VIST 305Theories of Looking: Critical Theory and Visual Culture3

Teacher Education Program Requirements

Teacher Education Program Requirements for Combined Degree Programs with Grades K-6 and Teacher of Students with Disabilities Certification

General Education Requirements

Click here for a list of courses that fulfill General Education categories.

A. New Student Seminar
Complete a 1 credit New Student Seminar course.1
C. Communication
1. Writing 3
2. Literature3
3. Communication
Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement (Fulfilled in the Teacher Education sequence.)
D. Fine and Performing Arts
Fulfilled in the major.
Introduction to Music
Introduction to Jazz
Rap and Rock as Cultural Phenomena
The History of Broadway
Introduction to Music in World Cultures
F. Humanities
1. Great Works and Their Influences
Fulfilled in the major.
General Humanities I (to 1400)
General Humanities II (from 1400)
2. Philosophical and Religious Perspectives
Philosophical Orientation to Education (Fulfilled in the Teacher Education sequence.)
G. Computer Science
Complete a 3 credit Computer Science course.3
H. Mathematics
Mathematics in Elementary Schools I (Fulfilled in the Teacher Education sequence.)
I. Natural Science Laboratory
Complete a 4 credit Natural Science Laboratory course that also fulfills the Teacher Education Health/Hygiene requirement.4
K. Social Science
1. American and European History
Historical Foundations of American Education (Fulfilled in the Teacher Education sequence.)
2. Global Cultural Perspectives
Reading Asian Cultures (Fulfilled in the major.)
3. Social Science Perspectives
Introduction to Psychology (Fulfilled in the Teacher Education sequence.)
L. Interdisciplinary Studies
Perspectives on Early Childhood and Elementary Education in a Democracy (Fulfilled in the Teacher Education sequence.)
Total Credits14

World Languages and Cultures Requirements

Click here for a list of courses that fulfill World Languages and Cultures categories.

World Languages
Based on placement exam complete one or two sequential courses in one language.3-6
World Cultures
African American History (Fulfilled in the major.)
Total Credits3-6

Recommended Roadmap to Degree(s)

This recommended five-year plan is provided as an outline for students to follow in order to complete their degree requirements within five years.  This plan is a recommendation and students should only use it in consultation with their academic advisor.

Fifth year courses are taken at the graduate level, after matriculation into the graduate portion of this combined degree program.

First Year
GENERAL EDUCATION: (A) New Student Seminar1GENERAL EDUCATION: (C2) Literature3
 4 6
Second Year
 EDFD 2203
 MTHM 2013
Third Year
ECEL 2793ECEL 3753
FSHD 3143ECSE 3053
MTHM 3023ECEL 4083
READ 3993 
 12 9
Fourth Year
ECSE 3393ECSE 5233
READ 4083ECSE 5363
 READ 5153
 6 9
Total Credits 52
Fourth Year
ECSE 5083  
ECSE 5803  
ECEL 6913  
Fifth Year
 ECEL 5021ECEL 5043
 ECEL 5102ECEL 5116
 ECEL 5173 
 ECSE 5423 
  9 9
Total Credits 27