African-American Studies Minor

The undergraduate minor in African-American studies is an interdisciplinary academic program designed to be complementary to any of the undergraduate majors of Montclair State. The African-American and African syntheses within the context of African, American and European culture are presented with their transcultural, interethnic and intellectual traditions-providing an appreciation of the heritage, arts, sciences and values on non-European and non-Euro-American groups. The African-American Studies program will also provide for Black students a greater knowledge of self, self-respect and self-esteem. African-American Studies for other students will build knowledge and awareness of African-American history, African-American culture and African-American people. Students who are interested in completing the requirements of the minor are urged to consult with the director about their programs.

Program Requirements

Required Courses
AFAM 100Introduction to Black Studies3
HIST 108African History3
or HIST 217 African American History
PSYC 246Psychology of the Black Experience3
or SOCI 102 Racial and Ethnic Relations
Select 9 credits from the list below.9
Total Credits18


ECON 250, ENGL 493, RELG 280, or RELG 382 may also be used if topic is relevant.
AFAM 207The Black Woman: An Introductory Course3
ARHT 191African-American Art3
ARHT 281African Art: Sub-Saharan3
CMST 305Race, Ethnicity and Media3
CMST 427Globalization, Communication and Media3
DNCE 145Worlds of Dance3
DNCE 319Black Dance in the United States3
EAES 377Geography of Sub-Sahara Africa3
ECON 405Economic Development of Sub-Saharan Africa3
ENGL 238Black Writers in the United States: A Survey3
ENGL 366African Myth and Literature3
FSHD 445Poverty and Families3
HUMN 381Africa in Classical Antiquity3
HIST 108African History3
HIST 217African American History3
JUST 317Race and the U.S. Legal System3
MGMT 332Diversity In Business3
MUGN 109Introduction to Jazz3
MUGN 120Rap and Rock as Cultural Phenomena3
MUGN 150Influence of Afro-American Culture on Music3
POLS 204Government and Politics of Africa3
POLS 312Black Politics in the United States3
PSYC 246Psychology of the Black Experience3
RELG 250African Religions3
RELG 252Africana Religions in the Americas3
SOCI 102Racial and Ethnic Relations3
SOCI 311Urban Sociology3