This course is designed for beginners with minimum aquatic knowledge and skill. The scope of the course covers a wide area of swimming strokes, and water safety procedures to develop healthful lifetime fitness goals. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
An introductory course in personalized fitness covering theories and techniques of the physiological and psychological components of fitness. Designed for second careers students. Satisfies Physical Education GenEd requirement; satisfies SEEDS Scientific Reasoning student learning outcome in alignment with Self Discovery and Self Care value.
The origin, development, and present status in the sport of racquetball will be studied. Basic skills, game strategy, and rules will be taught and applied. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
This course will provide the student with an opportunity to recognize and develop cardiovascular conditioning, endurance and lifetime fitness skills. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
A regimen of physical fitness (conditioning) exercises will be established for the individual student, and assistance will be rendered to help him or her in following this regimen in order to reach his or her maximum physical potential (muscle tone and endurance). Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
Fundamental skills of tennis, singles and doubles play. Appreciation of tennis as a leisure pursuit. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
Basic skills, game strategy and rules of volleyball. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
The origin, development, and present status of soccer will be studied. Basic skills, game strategy, and rules will be taught and applied. As a service course to non-physical education majors, the principle aim is to introduce the student to the fundamentals of soccer. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
Figure skating for the novice taught at an off-campus skating rink. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
The student is provided with information pertaining to basic techniques, safety, etiquette, and equipment relevant to his level of skiing. Instruction will be given on the slope for five weeks along with additional information to be given on campus. Students will incur additional fees at ski facility. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
The course covers the traditional ballroom dances as well as current popular styles and routines. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
Adequately prepare and develop the student with a background of the necessary skills essential to performing and understanding the art of bowling. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
Skills and development of personal ability in performance of the activity. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.
Instruction will be given in how to perform yoga postures, plus the techniques of breathing, relaxation, awareness, and concentration with their proper progression. The historical and psychological factors involved in the development of yoga, and its increasingly widespread appeal physically and philosophically will be dealt with. Meets Gen Ed - Physical Education.