Business/General (BUGN)

BUGN 310  Campus to Career Transition I  (0 credits)

Restriction(s): Major within the School of Business. This is the first course of the "'Campus to Career Transition"' program in School of Business (SBUS). All Business Administration majors and Hospitality, Sports, Events fr Tourism (HSET) majors must register for "'Campus to Career Transition I, 11 , Ill fr IV' to document participation in career programming organized by the SBUS Career Services Office and their respective departments. These courses are offered on a Pass / Fail only basis and require students to participate in five programs/ activities each semester. In CCT I, students must participate in the "'Job Search"', "'Resume Basics"' and "'Interviews 101"' on-line activities; the remaining two program selections are at the discretion of the student.

BUGN 320  Campus To Career Transition II  (0 credits)

Prerequisite(s): BUGN 310. Restriction(s): Major within School of Business. This is the second course in the "Campus to Career Transition" program in School of Business (SBUS). All Business Administration majors and Hospitality, Sports, Events & Tourism (HSET) majors must register for "Campus to Career Transition I, II, III & IV" to document their participation in career programming organized by the SBUS Career Services Office and their respective departments. These courses are offered on a Pass/Fail only basis and require students to participate in five programs/activities each semester. In CCT II, students must participate in the "Developing Your Brand" on-line activity and submit a final copy of a resume that has been approved by SBUS Career Services; the remaining three program selections are at the discretion of the student.

BUGN 570  Business Consulting Experience  (1-3 credits)

Prerequisite(s): MBA office approval required. This is an experiential course where students will serve as consultants to real-world business clients. As consultants, students will analyze and solve business problems. Students will go through a systematic approach to scope and define business problems, generate workable plans, gather and analyze data, and develop meaningful and actionable recommendations.

BUGN 572  Co-Op Experience  (1-3 credits)

Prerequisite(s): MBA Office approval required. Students are required to accumulate 150-200 hours of experience (approximately 15 –20 hours/per week) working for a professional organization. In addition, students complete assignments designed to enhance their understanding of strategies and tactics used by the organization, industry trends, career opportunities, and the attitudes and skills necessary for success. Job performance is assessed via student assignments, progress reports submitted by the employer and a site visit by the faculty advisor. The employer will train the student in the general operations of their business. The faculty advisor will develop assignments to encourage the student to explore current issues, challenges and trends in the business world and to relate them to the employer’s business. In addition, the faculty advisor will develop assignments to encourage the student’s exploration of career opportunities and to assess his/her suitability for a career in the particular organization or industry.

BUGN 574  Career Management for the MBA Candidate  (1.5 credit)

Restriction(s): MBA students only. The goal of this course is to bridge practical career readiness and professional development tools with the MBA program’s experiential learning (internship/Co-op) and leadership development curriculum. In this course you will design your distinct career plan, gaining clarity on career paths you want to explore and how best to market yourself for those opportunities. The course will serve to hold you accountable to your career development, integrating your MBA experience with career readiness competencies. The curriculum is indispensable to the successful career outcomes of emerging professionals and will remain sustainable and relevant throughout future career transitions as alumni of MSU. May be repeated for a maximum of 4.5 credits.

BUGN 577  Special Topics in Business/General  (1-3 credits)

Restriction(s): MBA degree students only. An in-depth study of a selected topic, issue, problem or trend in business. The specific subject matter is not offered as an existing regular course or deserves more time-emphasis than is possible in a regular course. May be repeated eight times for a maximum of 12 credits as long as the topic is different.