Teaching, with Subject Area (P-12) Certification and Teacher of Students with Disabilities Certification (M.A.T.)

The Master of Arts in Teaching Program in Subject Area and Teacher of Students with Disabilities is designed to provide graduate students with a master’s degree and certification in the initial content area (P-12) and certification to teach students with disabilities in those settings.  

Click on the links for more details about each program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information.

Program Requirements

Required Courses
SASE 509Sociocultural Perspectives on Curriculum and Assessment3
SASE 680Special Topics in Curriculum and Teaching1-3
SPED 566Creating Curricular Access for Adolescents with Disabilities3
SPED 568Teaching Methods for Inclusive Education3
SPED 579Special Education for Students with Disabilities3
SPED 586Educational Planning for Adolescents with Disabilities3
SPED 588Positive Behavior Supports for Diverse Learners3
Graduate Professional Sequence I
SASE 526Seminar in Inclusive Pedagogies3
SASE 527Clinical Practice I3
SPED 584Assessment in Special Education and Classroom Practice3
Graduate Professional Sequence II
SASE 529Clinical Practice II6
SASE 543Advanced Seminar in Inclusive Pedagogies3
Teaching Methods
Select from the list below, according to subject area.3-6
Comprehensive Exam
In the term you will sit for the exam, register for the section which matches your major and advisor. Successfully pass exam.
Comprehensive Examination
Subject Matter Preparation
Complete one area of Subject Matter Preparation from the list below.
Additional Requirements for State Certification
CMST 101Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement3
Physiology and Hygiene
Pass the MSU Health Knowledge Test available through the Center of Pedagogy or have an equivalent undergraduate course approved by advisor.
Additional Requirement
FSHD 515Child Development II: Adolescence3
or PSYC 560 Advanced Educational Psychology
Total Credits46-51

Teaching Methods

Select course(s) according to subject area:
Foundations of Methods and Curriculum in Art Education I: P-12
Foundations of Methods and Curriculum in Art Education II: P-12
Biological Science, Chemistry, Earth Science, Physics, Physical Science4
Teaching Science in Secondary Schools
Teaching Methods (Secondary English)
English as a Second Language3
Methodology of Teaching ESL
Theories and Approaches to Teaching French as a Second Language
Teaching French in P-12: Practice
Health and Physical Education
Foundations and Methods in Health Education
Teaching of Secondary Physical Education
Methods of Teaching Italian in Elementary and Secondary Schools
Teaching Latin in Secondary and Middle Schools
Teaching Mathematics
Teaching Methods for the Elementary Music Class
Teaching Methods for Music in the Secondary Schools
Social Studies3
Graduate Methods of Teaching Social Studies
Teaching Spanish in K-12

Subject Matter Preparation Areas


Fine Arts Core
ARFD 100Perceptual Drawing3
ARFD 101Surface3
ARFD 104Space3
ARFD 106Digital Literacy3
VIST 105Global Foundations in Art and Visual Culture3
VIST 106Modern Visions 1400-19453
Fine Arts Education
ARST 201Objects in Clay3
or ARST 202 3D and Extended Media
ARST 204Painting3
ARST 205Photography3
or ARST 206 Printmaking
Advanced Art Courses
ARST 301Integrative Studio I3
ARST 402Integrative Studio II3
ARST 403Integrative Studio III3
ARED 525Art and Special Education3
Total Credits39

Biological Science

Biology Requirements
BIOL 112Principles of Biology: Introduction to the Cell4
BIOL 113Principles of Biology: Organisms and Diversity4
BIOL 213Introduction to Ecology4
BIOL 230Cell and Molecular Biology4
BIOL 380Genetics4
Collateral Chemistry Courses
CHEM 120General Chemistry I4
CHEM 121General Chemistry II4
CHEM 230Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 231Organic Chemistry II3
CHEM 232Experimental Organic Chemistry I2
Collateral Mathematics Courses
Select one of the following sequences:7-8
and Applied Precalculus
Applied Precalculus
and Applied Calculus A
Calculus I
and Calculus II
Collateral Physics Courses
PHYS 191University Physics I4
or PHYS 193 College Physics I
PHYS 192University Physics II4
or PHYS 194 College Physics II
Earth Science Elective
Complete one of the following:4
Planet Earth
Physical Geology
Earth and the Environment
Earth System History
Biology Electives
Select 12 credits of 300-600 level Biology coursework. See department for approved list.12
Environmental Biology and Related Controversial Issues
Introduction to Animal Behavior
Introduction to Bio-Imaging
Principles of Ecology
Externship in Biological Research (Co-operative Education)
Introduction to Transmission Electron Microscopy
Population Genetics
Evolutionary Biology
Biology Independent Research
Economic Botany
Elementary Plant Physiology
Medical Entomology
Developmental Biology
Molecular Biology
Experimental Molecular Biology
Phylogenetic Zoology
Biology of Animal Parasites
Gross Mammalian Anatomy
Comparative Anatomy of Vertebrates
Human Physiology
Vertebrate Embryology
Cell Physiology
Fundamentals of Pharmacology
Medical Microbiology
Comparative Animal Physiology
Microbial Genetics
Biological Oceanography
Aquatic Ecology
Biology of the Fishes
Medical Genetics
Biology of Cancer
Research Community I: Organism Biology
Research Community II: Organism Biology
Research Community I: Molecular Biology
Research Community II: Molecular Biology
Research Community I: Ecology
Research Community II: Ecology
Special Topics in Biology
Statistical Genomics
Special Topics in Cell and Molecular Biology
Special Topics in Organismal Biology
Senior Seminar in Biology
Research in Biology Literature
Senior Colloquium
Molecular Ecology
Introductory Molecular Cell Biology
Experimental Cell Culture
Biology Pedagogy for Secondary Teachers
Special Topics in Modern Genetics
Graduate Seminar in Biology
Population Genetics
Strategies for Teaching College Biology
Plant Physiology
Field Studies of Flowering Plants
Advanced Herpetology
Advanced Entomology
Advanced Cell Biology
Mammalian Physiology
Advanced Endocrinology
Advances in Immunology
Advanced Comparative Animal Physiology
Experimental Endocrinology
Special Topics in Physiology
Molecular Biology I
Molecular Biology II
Special Topics in Developmental Biology
Special Topics in Microbiology
Biology of Lipids
Microbial Physiology
Medical Genetics
Molecular Biology of Proteins
Microbial Genetics
Molecular Genetics
Special Topics in Molecular Biology
Statistical Genomics
Advanced Neuroscience
Physiological Plant Ecology
Wetland Ecology
Shoreline Ecology
Behavioral Ecology
Avian Biology
Biology of Extreme Habitats
Physiological Ecology of Animals
Evolutionary Mechanisms
Special Topics in Advanced Biology
Special Topics in Advanced Molecular Biology
Special Topics in Advanced Physiology
Special Topics in Advanced Ecology
Graduate Colloquium
Molecular Ecology
Signal Transduction
Conservation Biology: The Preservation of Biological Diversity
Selected Techniques in Biology Science Education
Research in Biological Literature
Selected Techniques in Molecular Biology
Introduction to Biological Research
Advanced Biological Science Education Pedagogy
Total Credits68


Chemistry Requirements
CHEM 120General Chemistry I4
CHEM 121General Chemistry II4
CHEM 230Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 231Organic Chemistry II3
CHEM 232Experimental Organic Chemistry I2
CHEM 233Experimental Organic Chemistry II2
CHEM 310Analytical Chemistry4
CHEM 340Physical Chemistry I3
CHEM 341Physical Chemistry II3
CHEM 370Biochemistry I3
CHEM 410Instrumental Analysis5
CHEM 501Teaching Chemistry in the Secondary School3
Collateral Mathematics Courses
MATH 122Calculus I4
MATH 221Calculus II4
Collateral Physics Courses
PHYS 191University Physics I4
PHYS 192University Physics II4
Total Credits55

Earth Science

Earth Science Core
EAES 105Physical Geology4
EAES 220Mineralogy4
EAES 240Earth System History4
EAES 302Structural Geology3
EAES 320Igneous Metamorphic Petrology4
EAES 441Stratigraphy4
Additional Earth Science Courses
EAES 201Understanding Weather and Climate4
EAES 250Introduction to Marine Sciences4
EAES 280Principles of Land Use3
Collateral Science Courses
BIOL 113Principles of Biology: Organisms and Diversity4
CHEM 120General Chemistry I4
CHEM 121General Chemistry II4
AMAT 120Applied Calculus A4
PHYS 193College Physics I4
PHYS 194College Physics II4
Total Credits58


Critical Theory
Select one of the following:3
Critical Approaches to English
Seminar in Comparative Literature
Theoretical Approaches to Literature
British Literature
Select 6 credits from the following:6
English Literature I: Beginnings to 1660
English Literature II: 1660 to Present
Special Topics in English or American Literature
English Novel to 1900
Literature of the Long Eighteenth Century
From Sensibility to Romanticism
Medieval English Literature
19th Century English Romantic Literature
Victorian Poetry
Renaissance Literature
English Drama: Beginnings to 1642
Shakespeare: Comedies-Histories
Shakespeare: Tragedies-Romances
Modern British Fiction 1900-1945
Postwar British Fiction 1946-1990
Recent British Fiction 1990-Present
Old English Language and Literature
17th Century English Poetry
Restoration and 18th Century Drama
Seminar in English Literature
Seminar in British Literature
Shakespeare Studies: Tragedies
Shakespeare Studies: Comedies
Shakespeare Studies: Histories
Elizabethan and Jacobean Drama
The Augustan Age
The English Novel from Defoe to Austen
British Romanticism I: Wordsworth and Coleridge
Victorian Studies II: Novel
Victorian Studies III: Poetry
Turn-of-the-Century British Writers
The Modern British Novel
Modern British and Irish Poetry
The Irish Renaissance
Independent Study in British Literature
American Literature
Select 6 credits from the following:6
American Drama
Black Writers in the United States: A Survey
Social Protest Literature in America
Special Topics in English or American Literature
Vietnam War and American Culture
The Novels of Toni Morrison
American Poetry to 1940
American Poetry: World War II to Present
Early American Literature
Literature of American Renaissance
American Literary Realism
Modern American Fiction
Recent American Fiction 1990 to Present
Seminar in American Literature
Seminar in American Literature
Studies in Early American Literature
American Romanticism
Poe, Hawthorne, and Melville
American Realism
Modern American Fiction
Modern American Poetry
Recent American Fiction
American Drama
Black American Women Writers
Independent Study in American Literature
Select 3 credits from the following:3
Creative Nonfiction
Teaching Writing in the Public Schools
Graduate Writing Seminar
Seminar in Teaching Literature
Genre Study
Select 9 credits from the following:9
American Drama
English Novel to 1900
Art of Poetry
Art of Fiction
Art of Drama
Women Poets
American Poetry to 1940
American Poetry: World War II to Present
English Drama: Beginnings to 1642
Shakespeare: Comedies-Histories
Shakespeare: Tragedies-Romances
Modern British Fiction 1900-1945
Postwar British Fiction 1946-1990
Recent British Fiction 1990-Present
Modern Poetry to T.S. Eliot
Contemporary Poetry
Contemporary European Drama
Modern Drama: Ibsen to O'Neill
Modern European Novel
Speculative Fiction: Fantasy
Science Fiction
17th Century English Poetry
Restoration and 18th Century Drama
Shakespeare Studies: Tragedies
Shakespeare Studies: Comedies
Shakespeare Studies: Histories
Seventeenth Century Literature: Poetry
The English Novel from Defoe to Austen
Victorian Studies II: Novel
Victorian Studies III: Poetry
The Modern British Novel
Modern American Fiction
Modern American Poetry
Recent American Fiction
American Drama
Ancient Tragedy
Ancient Comedy
Ancient Epic
Ibsen, Strindberg, and Shaw
The Modern Novel
Trends in the Contemporary Novel
Special Topics in Film Studies
Sociocultural Lenses
Select 6 credits from the following:6
World Literature: The Coming of Age Theme
World Literature: Voices of Tradition and Challenge
Myth and Literature
Images of Muslim Women in Twentieth Century Literature and Culture
Black Writers in the United States: A Survey
Social Protest Literature in America
Special Topics in English or American Literature
Special Topics in Comparative Literature
Contemporary U.S. Literature of Immigration
Vietnam War and American Culture
Women Poets
The Novels of Toni Morrison
American Indian Themes
African, Asian and Caribbean Literature in English
Contemporary Irish Literature
Irish Literary Revival: 1890-1939
African Myth and Literature
Contemporary African Literature
Women Prose Writers
Contemporary European Drama
Modern European Novel
Seminar in Comparative Literature
The Irish Renaissance
Black American Women Writers
Seminar in International Literature
Ancient Tragedy
Ancient Comedy
Ancient Epic
The Enlightenment in Europe
The Modern Novel
Trends in the Contemporary Novel
Independent Study: International Literature
Language Study
Select one of the following:3
The English Language
The Grammars of English
Structure of American English
History of the English Language
Total Credits36

English as a Second Language

Required Courses
APLN 500Language and Linguistics3
or LNGN 210 Introduction to General Linguistics
APLN 524Advanced Structure of American English3
or LNGN 220 Structure of American English
APLN 502Sociolinguistics3
or LNGN 230 Language in Society
APLN 532Language and Culture in Minority Education3
or LNGN 245 Language and Culture
APLN 504Syntax3
or LNGN 300 Syntax
Select two of the following:6
Phonetics and Phonology
Select one of the following:3
Semantics and Pragmatics
Select four of the following:12
Discourse Analysis
Current Theories of Second Language Acquisition
History of the English Language
Introduction to Cognitive Science
Principles of Discourse Analysis
Principles of Second Language Learning
Language and the Mind
Special Topics in Linguistics
Independent Study
Total Credits36


Required Courses
FREN 203Mastering French3
FREN 204French Stylistics and Composition3
FREN 205Perfecting French Pronunciation3
FREN 270The Art of Writing in French3
FREN 410Advanced French Grammar3
FREN 206French Conversation3
or FREN 330 Advanced Spoken Language Practice
FREN 325Structure of the French Language3
or FREN 371 Explication De Texte
Select one of the following:3
Inventing France: From the Gauls to the Revolution
French Civilization from Napoleon to World War II
France from World War II to the Present
Seminar in Enlightenment and Revolutionary France
Eighteenth-Century French Civilization Seminar
Special Topics in Contemporary French Civilization
Contemporary Francophone Civilization Seminar
Introduction to French Colonialism
Select one of the following:3
Dada And Surrealism
Seventeenth Century French Literature
The French Renaissance
Eighteenth Century French Literature
Nineteenth Century French Literature
Survey of French Poetry
Contemporary French Drama
Development of French Novel to 1900
Francophone Literature
Twentieth Century French Literature
Critical Approaches to Literature
Medieval French Literature
Medieval French Theatre
Medieval French Seminar
Poetry of the Renaissance
16th Century Seminar
Corneille, Racine and Moliere
Special Topics in 17th Century French Literature
The Development of the Novel in 18th Century France
Nineteenth-Century French Literature Seminar
The Romantic Movement
19th Century French Theatre
French Novel of 19th Century I
French Novel of 19th Century II
19th Century French Poetry
19th Century Seminar
20th Century French Theatre
20th Century French Novel I
20th Century French Novel II
20th Century Seminar
Francophone Literature
Women Writers from North Africa
Select one of the following:3
Inventing France: From the Gauls to the Revolution
French Civilization from Napoleon to World War II
Dada And Surrealism
Seventeenth Century French Literature
The French Renaissance
Eighteenth Century French Literature
Nineteenth Century French Literature
Survey of French Poetry
Contemporary French Drama
Development of French Novel to 1900
Francophone Literature
Translation I
Translation II
Twentieth Century French Literature
France from World War II to the Present
Introduction to Consecutive and Simultaneous Interpreting
French Study Abroad
Cooperative Education for the French Major
Translation III
French Language Workshop
Independent Study
Graduate Study Abroad
Politics of the French Language
History of the French Language
Advanced French Phonetics
Practicum in Translation and Interpreting
Special Topics in French Linguistics
French Humanism in 16th Century
Moralists of the 17th Century
Philosophy and Politics in 18th Century France
18th Century Seminar
Total Credits30

Health and Physical Education

Physical Education Courses
BIOL 244Anatomy and Physiology I4
PEMJ 131Fitness Activities3
PEMJ 152Introduction to Fielding and Target Games3
PEMJ 153Introduction to Invasion and Net Games3
PEMJ 235Movement Experiences in Physical Education3
PEMJ 320Physiology of Exercise4
PEMJ 321Kinesiology3
PEMJ 324Basic Motor Learning3
PEMJ 335Teaching of Elementary Physical Education3
PEMJ 351Adapted Physical Education3
PEMJ 531Advanced Adapted Physical Education3
HPEM 455Assessment and Technology in Health and Physical Education3
Health Education Courses
NUFD 182Nutrition: A Socioecological Perspective3
HLTH 215Drug Education in the Schools3
HLTH 222Mental Health in the Schools3
HLTH 295Sexuality Education in the Schools3
Total Credits50


Required Courses
ITAL 242Italian Grammar and Composition I3
ITAL 243Italian Grammar and Composition II3
ITAL 309Italian Conversation3
ITAL 340Reading, Writing, Translating Early Modern Italy3
ITAL 341Reading, Writing, Translating Modern and Contemporary Italy3
Select five of the following:15
Introduction to Italian Business and Commercial Translation
Introduction to Translating
Italian Study Abroad
Italian Literature of the Renaissance I
Italian Literature of the 19th Century I
Italian Literature of the 20th Century I: A Changing Italy
Senior Seminar in Literary Research
Italian Literature of the 18th Century
Independent Study
Total Credits30


Required Courses
Select six of the following:18
Intermediate Latin I
Intermediate Latin II
Latin Literature of the Republic
Latin Literature of the Golden Age
Latin Literature of the Silver Age
Latin Literature of the Middle Ages
Latin Composition
Advanced Latin Grammar
Roman Letter Writing
Roman Drama
Roman Lyric Poetry
Roman Biography
Linguistic History of the Latin Language
Roman Historians
The Epic and Vergil
Lucretius and Ancient Science
Caesar: End of the Republic
Roman Satire
The Elegy
Senior Seminar
Study Abroad
Special Topics in Advanced Latin Readings
Cicero: Ancient Philosophy
The Comedy of Plautus
Special Topics in Latin Literature
Law in Roman Society
Select three of the following:9
Troy and the Trojan War
Introduction to Classical Archaeology
Classicism and American Culture
Greek Civilization
Roman Civilization
Introduction to Roman Law
Total Credits27


Mathematics Courses
CSIT 111Fundamentals of Java Programming3
MATH 122Calculus I4
MATH 221Calculus II4
MATH 222Calculus III4
MATH 225Linear Algebra4
MATH 340Probability3
MATH 350College Geometry3
MATH 431Foundations of Modern Algebra3
Mathematics Electives
Select two of the following:6
Special Topics in Modern Mathematics
Complex Variables
Ordinary Differential Equation
Operations Research I
Mathematical Modeling
Advanced Calculus I
Advanced Calculus II
Theory of Numbers
Foundations of Geometry
Numerical Analysis
Operations Research II
Applied Combinatorics and Graph Theory
Honors Seminar
Special Topics in Advanced Undergraduate Mathematics
Mathematics Research I
Mathematics Research II
Problem Analysis in Secondary Mathematics
Special Topics in Mathematics Education
Applied Mathematics for the Middle Schools
Theory of Statistics
Total Credits34


Teaching Field Requirements
An undergraduate background with a minimum of 30 credits in music is required.
MUED 419Choral Methods3
or MUED 420 Instrumental Methods
MUED 435Conducting for Music Educators2
or MUPR 335 Elementary Conducting
MUPR 207Beginning Jazz Improvisation1
or MUPR 411 Jazz Pedagogy
MSSN 121Secondary Instrument Guitar I1
or MUED 132 Marching Band Techniques
or MSSN 111 Secondary Instrument Voice I
Select four of the following:4
Instrumental Techniques: Strings I
Instrumental Techniques: Strings II
Instrumental Techniques: Brass I
Instrumental Techniques: Brass II
Percussion Instruments
Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds I
Instrumental Techniques: Woodwinds II
Total Credits11

Physical Science

Calculus-based Introductory Physics I and II
PHYS 191University Physics I4
PHYS 192University Physics II4
Intermediate Mechanics
PHYS 210Intermediate Mechanics3
Oscillations, Waves, and Optics
PHYS 220Oscillations, Waves, and Optics3
Intermediate and Advanced Physics Laboratories
PHYS 230Intermediate Physics Laboratory4
PHYS 330Advanced Physics Laboratory4
Statistical and Thermal Physics
PHYS 320Statistical and Thermal Physics3
Electricity and Magnetism4
PHYS 340Electricity and Magnetism3
Modern Physics or Quantum Mechanics4
PHYS 360Modern Physics3
or PHYS 464 Quantum Mechanics
MATH 122Calculus I4
or AMAT 120 Applied Calculus A
MATH 221Calculus II4
or AMAT 220 Applied Calculus B
MATH 222Calculus III4
Introductory Chemistry8
CHEM 120General Chemistry I4
CHEM 121General Chemistry II4
Organic Chemistry
CHEM 230Organic Chemistry I3
CHEM 232Experimental Organic Chemistry I2
Additional Chemistry or Biochemistry Course
Complete one 2-3 credit Chemistry or Biochemistry course.2-3
Total Credits74-75


Calculus-based Introductory Physics I and II
PHYS 191University Physics I4
PHYS 192University Physics II4
Intermediate Mechanics
PHYS 210Intermediate Mechanics3
Oscillations, Waves, and Optics
PHYS 220Oscillations, Waves, and Optics3
Intermediate and Advanced Physics Laboratories
PHYS 230Intermediate Physics Laboratory4
PHYS 330Advanced Physics Laboratory4
Statistical and Thermal Physics
PHYS 320Statistical and Thermal Physics3
Electricity and Magnetism
PHYS 340Electricity and Magnetism3
Modern Physics
PHYS 360Modern Physics3
Quantum Mechanics
PHYS 464Quantum Mechanics3
MATH 122Calculus I4
or AMAT 120 Applied Calculus A
MATH 221Calculus II4
or AMAT 220 Applied Calculus B
MATH 222Calculus III4
MATH 325Ordinary Differential Equation4
or AMAT 350 Applied Mathematics I
or PHYS 377 Mathematical Physics
Total Credits50

Social Studies

Complete 48 credits in the area of your undergraduate study.48
Undergraduate History
Select 36 credits of undergraduate History coursework.
Select 12 credits from at least 3 additional Social Studies disciplines.
Undergraduate Anthropology
Select 36 credits of undergraduate Anthropology courswork.
Select 12 credits of History coursework.
Undergraduate Economics
Select 36 credits of undergraduate Economics coursework.
Select 12 credits of History coursework.
Undergraduate Geography
Select 36 credits of undergraduate Geography or Earth and Environmental Science coursework.
Select 12 credits of History coursework.
Undergraduate Political Science
Select 36 credits of undergraduate Political Science coursework.
Select 12 credits of History coursework.
Undergraduate Psychology
Select 36 credits of undergraduate Psychology coursework.
Select 12 credits of History coursework.
Undergraduate Sociology
Select 36 credits of undergraduate Sociology coursework.
Select 12 credits of History coursework.
Total Credits48


SPAN 241Fundamentals of Spanish Grammar3
SPAN 242Spanish Composition and Stylistics3
SPAN 343Introduction to Spanish Phonetics3
SPAN 348Introduction to Hispanic Linguistics3
SPAN 349Introduction to Hispanic Literary Studies3
SPAN 361Voices of the Past and Present: Spain3
SPAN 363Voices of the Past and Present: Latin America3
SPAN 410Advanced Spanish Grammar3
SPAN 374Cultural Studies: Spain3
or SPAN 376 Cultural Studies: Latin America and the Caribbean
Select three of the following:9
Special Topics in Spanish and Latin American Literature
Spanish Study Abroad
Spanish Film and Fiction
Contemporary Spanish Novel
Spanish Poetry and Drama of the 19th Century
Spanish Prose of the 19th Century
Contemporary Spanish Theater
The Latin American Essay and Crónica
Short Stories and Cross-Cultural Processes in the Spanish-Speaking World
Poetics of Resistance in Hispanic Poetry
Negotiating Identity and Power in the Hispanic Novel
El Quijote
Scripts and Stages: Hispanic Theater and Performance
The Drama of the Golden Age
Senior Seminar
Contemporary Trends in the Spanish-American Novel
Puerto Rican Literature and Thought
Sexual Subversion in Contemporary Hispanic Literature and Film
Independent Study
Total Credits36