Sustainability Science (M.S.)

For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.

Program Requirements

Core Courses
EAES 509Current Issues in Sustainability Science 13
EAES 575Environmental Economics 13
EAES 591Methods in Environmental Research 13
Complete twice to earn 2 credits2
Colloquium in Environmental Management
Electives and Research Requirements
Major Electives
Select 15 credits from the list (see below)15
Thesis or Research Project
Select one of the following options:6
Master's Thesis
Submit the completed Thesis original and one copy to the Graduate Office. See Thesis Guidelines for details.
Research Project
Applied Research or Internship Project in Sustainability Science
Total Credits32


ANTH 504Planetary Health3
ANTH 522Environment and Community3-4
ANTH 529Building Sustainable Communities3-4
BIOL 570Ecology3
BIOL 595Conservation Biology: The Preservation of Biological Diversity3
CHEM 510Hazardous Materials Management3
EAES 506Introduction to Geographic Information Science and Remote Sensing3
EAES 510Geographic Information Systems3
EAES 525X-ray Microanalysis3
EAES 526Geochemistry3
EAES 527Organic Geochemistry3
EAES 528Environmental Forensics3
EAES 531Hydroclimatology3
EAES 532Applied Groundwater Modeling4
EAES 533Water Resource Management3
EAES 560Environmental Law3
EAES 561Environmental Law and Policy3
EAES 562Waste Management3
EAES 563Natural Resource Management3
EAES 565Environmental Change and Communication3
EAES 569Air Resource Management3
EAES 584Urban Studies and Policy Analysis3
EAES 586Urban Contamination3
EAES 592Pro Seminar1-4
EAES 610Spatial Analysis3
EAES 660Seminar in Environmental Management3
EAES 662Energy and the Environment3
EAES 700Earth Systems Science3
EAES 760Organizational Environmental Management3
STAT 532Fundamentals of Statistics3
MGMT 565Project Management1.5
MKTG 563Global Business Impact1.5
0-12 credits of other graduate level courses may be taken with written advisor approval.

Students in the combined Sustainability Science Major (B.S.)/Sustainability Science (M.S.) program complete three required courses and one elective course as part of the undergraduate degree program.