Sports Nutrition Minor

The Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education and the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies offer a 18-21 credit sports nutrition minor available to all undergraduate students interested in the interrelationship between nutrition and fitness. The aim is to provide students with an understanding of how optimal nutrition is critical for enhancing fitness and athletic performance, and to fill gaps in knowledge between sport training and nutritional support for students interested in careers with overlapping involvement of exercise and nutrition to promote health and human performance.

For further information, please contact the Department of Exercise Science and Physical Education at 973-655-5253 or the Department of Nutrition and Food Studies at 973-655-6681. To add this minor please see Mr. Saavedra, department administrator, in UN 4141.

Program Requirements

Required Courses9-10
Fitness Activities
Nutrition: A Socioecological Perspective
Nutrition with Laboratory
Nutrition for Fitness
Nutrition for Fitness
Based on your major, complete 9-11 semester hours from one of the lists below:9-11
Total Credits18-21

Nutrition and Food Science Majors 

EXSC 233Leadership in Aerobic Exercise3
EXSC 234Leadership in Anaerobic Exercise3
EXSC 430Exercise for Special Populations3
NUFD 295Nutrition and Physical Activity for Older Adults3
NUFD 388Nutrition for Community Fitness Programs3
NUFD 468Sports Nutrition3
PEMJ 320Physiology of Exercise4
PEMJ 321Kinesiology3

Exercise Science Majors 

NUFD 295Nutrition and Physical Activity for Older Adults3
NUFD 381Applied Nutrition in the Lifecycle3
NUFD 388Nutrition for Community Fitness Programs3
NUFD 412Nutrition Education Techniques3
NUFD 468Sports Nutrition3
NUFD 482Nutrition Counseling3

All Other Majors 

EXSC 233Leadership in Aerobic Exercise3
EXSC 234Leadership in Anaerobic Exercise3
NUFD 295Nutrition and Physical Activity for Older Adults3
NUFD 381Applied Nutrition in the Lifecycle3
NUFD 388Nutrition for Community Fitness Programs3
NUFD 412Nutrition Education Techniques3
NUFD 468Sports Nutrition3
NUFD 482Nutrition Counseling3
PEMJ 320Physiology of Exercise4
PEMJ 321Kinesiology3