Philosophy Minor

Program Requirements

Complete six courses from the following. Two courses must be at the 300-400 level. No more than one course may be at the 100-level.18
Introduction to Philosophy
History of Ethics
Ethics and Business
Philosophical Issues in Biomedical Ethics
Philosophical Issues in Law and Justice
Social and Political Philosophy
Ethics of Love, Sex and Desire
American Philosophy
Contemporary Philosophers
Asian Philosophy
Philosophies of Art
Philosophy of Religion
Critical Reasoning and Arguments
Philosophy of Science
Philosophy of Mind
Philosophy of Sport
Philosophy of Technology
Introduction to Cognitive Science
Special Topics in Fields in Philosophy
Special Topics in Fields of Philosophy
Special Topics in Fields of Philosophy
Special Topics in Fields of Philosophy
Special Topics in Periods and Movements
Special Topics in Periods and Movements
Knowledge, Belief and Truth
Existence and Reality
Philosophy of Law
Legal Reasoning
Philosophy and Death
History of Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy
History of Philosophy: Modern Philosophy
Analytic Philosophy
Contemporary Continental Philosophy
Feminist Jurisprudence
Special Topics in Fields of Philosophy
Special Topics in Periods of Movements
Special Topics in Periods of Movements
Seminar in Philosophy
Seminar in Philosophy
Independent Study in Philosophy
Independent Study in Philosophy
Independent Study in Philosophy
PHIL 449
Total Credits18