Performance - Collaborative Keyboard Concentration (M.M.)

For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.

Program Requirements

Before admission to the program, Collaborative Keyboard students must demonstrate proficiencies in Vocal Pedagogy, Lyric Diction, Vocal Literature, and Languages (German, French, and Italian) or will be required to develop proficiency by taking undergraduate coursework in these areas.

Core Requirements
Course must be completed four times, for 2 credits each.8
Applied Music
MUHS 604Seminar in Historical Research3
MUHS 605Seminar in Historical and Theoretical Studies3
or MUHS 549 Music Since 1960
MUCP 511Musical Style and Analysis3
or MUCP 512 Music Systems of Analysis and Composition
MUMG 501Performance Entrepreneurship3
Concentration Requirements
MULT 520Special Topics in Keyboard Literature2
MUCP 601Score Reading3
Course must be taken three times over three semesters.3
Advanced Ear Training
MUPR 580Skills of Instrumental Accompanying2
MUPR 581Skills of Vocal Accompanying2
Course must be taken two times over two semesters.2
Graduate Performance Practicum
Culminating Sequence
MUPR 695Graduate Recital (Course must be completed two times.)0
In the term that you will sit for exam, register for the section which matches your major and advisor. Successfully pass the exam.
Comprehensive Examination
Total Credits34