Industrial and Organizational Psychology (Ph.D.)

For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.

Program Requirements

Industrial /Organizational Psychology Core
PSYC 585Work Attitudes and Motivation: Theory and Application3
PSYC 631Interventions for Effective Organizations3
PSYC 663Independent Study1
PSYC 759Science and Practice of Personnel Selection: Issues and Procedures3
PSYC 784The Science and Practice of Performance Management3
Core Methods, Statistics and Data Science
PSYC 546Data Science for Social Scientists3
PSYC 710Research Methods for Psychological Science3
PSYC 739Multivariate Statistics3
PSYC 750Quantitative and Statistical Methods for Psychological Science3
PSYC 778Psychometrics for Psychological Science3
Business and HR Strategy
MGMT 561Achieving Competitive Advantage1.5
MGMT 570Strategic Human Resource Management1.5
Industrial /Organizational Psychology Options
Complete the following three groups.
Options Group 1
Complete two courses from the following:6
Group Theory and Development in Organizations
Leadership: Theory and Development
Seminar in Industrial and Organizational Psychology
Options Group 2
Complete two courses from the following:6
Consulting Skills in Organizations
Occupational Health Psychology
Organizational Development and Change
Advanced Seminar in Industrial-Organizational Psychology
Options Group 3
Complete one course from the following: 3
Theory Building and Model Testing
Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Select one area of specialization. See list below.12-13
Advanced Elective
Complete one elective course under the guidance of faculty advisor. See list below.3-4
PSYC 691I/O Research Seminar Readings3
PSYC 692I/O Research Seminar Defense3
Complete PSYC 900 for a total of 12 credits.12
Dissertation Advisement
Qualifying Portfolio/Exam/Assessment
Successfully complete the qualifying portfolio, examination or assessment requirement.
Admission to Candidacy
Following completion of pre-dissertation research courses and qualifying exam, you may be admitted to candidacy.
Dissertation Requirement
Complete a dissertation in accordance with Graduate School and doctoral program requirements.
Total Credits79-81


General Psychology

Complete four courses from the following:12
Cognitive Psychology
Social Psychology
Developmental Psychology
Theories of Learning
Behavioral Neuroscience
History and Systems of Psychology

Data Science

Complete four courses:
CSIT 506Data Structures with Python4
CSIT 555Database Systems3
CSIT 556Introduction to Data Science3
CSIT 557Advanced Techniques in Data Science3
Total Credits13


Complete 12 credits from the following:12
Accounting for Business Managers
Macroeconomics Analysis and Public Policy
Business Innovation and Entrepreneurial Thinking
Information Systems Strategy and Innovation
Data Wrangling and Analysis
Data Visualization
Project Management
Negotiation in the Workplace
Advanced Project Management
Talent Mangement
Human Resource Analytics
Strategic Marketing Management
Global Business Impact

Advanced Electives

APLN 550Computational Linguistics3
CMST 545Crisis Communication3
CMST 547Seminar in Organizational Communication3
CMST 555Survey of Public and Organizational Relations3
CMST 580Globalization and Contemporary Communication3
COUN 558Consultation in Organizational Development3
COUN 559Dynamics of Group Process1-3
COUN 568Theories of Consultation3
CSIT 505Python Programming4
CSIT 528Statistics for Data Science3
CSIT 552Python for Data Science3
CSIT 553Exploratory Data Analysis and Visualization3
CSIT 554Big Data Analytics3
CSIT 558Data Mining3
CSIT 565Information Security Management3
CSIT 571Computer Algorithms and Analysis3
CSIT 580Network Science3
CSIT 598Machine Learning3
LAWS 556Dispute Resolution in the Workplace3
LAWS 579Private Sector Compliance With Public Regulations3
PSYC 504Cognitive Psychology3
PSYC 552Social Psychology3
PSYC 561Developmental Psychology3
PSYC 563Theories of Learning3
PSYC 573Behavioral Neuroscience3
PSYC 583Sensation and Perception3
PSYC 592Health Psychology3
PSYC 658Seminar in Industrial and Organizational Psychology3
PSYC 659Special Topics in Psychology3
PSYC 740Theory Building and Model Testing3
PSYC 741Hierarchical Linear Modeling3
PSYC 855Consulting Skills in Organizations3
PSYC 857Occupational Health Psychology3
PSYC 858Organizational Development and Change3
PSYC 859Advanced Seminar in Industrial-Organizational Psychology3
SOCI 556Data Analysis3
SOCI 557Data and Text Mining for Social Research3
SOCI 560Applied Social Theory3
SOCI 569Interviews and Focus Groups3
STAT 538Regression Methods3