Family Science and Human Development (Ph.D.)

For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.

Program Requirements

Core Courses - Conceptual Foundations
FSHD 801Concepts and Theories of Human Development3
FSHD 842Family Processes and Theories3
FSHD 844Power and the Intersectionality of Social Locations3
FSHD 860Research Methodology in Family Science and Human Development3
Core Courses - Praxis/Application
FSHD 820Grant Writing and Programming in Family Science and Human Development3
or FSHD 830 Scientific Writing and Dissemination of Research in Family Science and Human Development
FSHD 821Policy in Family Science and Human Development3
FSHD 850Advanced Practicum (or any elective course at the 500 level or above with advisement.)3
Quantitative Research Techniques
Complete one course from the following, with advisement:3
Quantitative Methods for Educational Research
Introductory Statistical Methods in Family Science and Human Development
Quantitative and Statistical Methods
Multivariate Statistics
Qualitative Research Techniques
Complete one course from the following, with advisement:3
Qualitative Methods for Educational Research
Interviews and Focus Groups
Specialized Research Techniques
Complete one course from the list below, with advisement.3
Complete one course at the 500 level or above, with advisement. It is strongly suggested that this course be a research technique course.3
Required Dissertation Courses
FSHD 898Dissertation Seminar3
FSHD 900Dissertation Advisement12
Qualifying Portfolio Exam
Successfully complete the qualifying portfolio, examination or assessment requirement.
Admission to Candidacy
Following completion of pre-dissertation research courses and qualifying exam, you may be admitted to candidacy.
Dissertation Requirement
Complete a dissertation in accordance with Graduate School and doctoral program requirements
Total Credits48

Specialized Research Techniques Courses

EDFD 504Action Research3
EDFD 822Advanced Methods of Quantitative Inquiry in Education3
EDFD 823Advanced Qualitative Research in Education3
PSYC 739Multivariate Statistics3
PSYC 740Theory Building and Model Testing3
PSYC 741Hierarchical Linear Modeling3
SOCI 538Survey Research3
SOCI 569Interviews and Focus Groups3

Recommended Roadmap to Degree Completion

This four-year plan is provided as an outline for students to follow in order to complete their degree requirements within four years.  This plan is a recommendation and students should only use it in consultation with their academic advisor.

First Year
FSHD 8203FSHD 8423
FSHD 8213FSHD 8443
EDFD 8213EDFD 8203
 9 9
Second Year
EDFD 822 or 8233FSHD 8013
FSHD 8983Elective course3
Elective course3Elective course3
 9 9
Third Year
FSHD 9003FSHD 9003
 3 3
Fourth Year
FSHD 9003FSHD 9003
 3 3
Total Credits 48