Environmental Science and Management (Ph.D.)

For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.

Program Requirements

Core Courses
BIOL 570Ecology3
EAES 561Environmental Law and Policy3
EAES 700Earth Systems Science3
EAES 760Organizational Environmental Management3
Required Research Courses
EAES 895Research Project in Environmental Management I3
EAES 896Research Project in Environmental Management II3
Perspective Courses
Methods Perspective
STAT 532Fundamentals of Statistics3
or STAT 595 Special Topics in Statistics
Natural Science Perspective
EAES 505Environmental Geoscience3
or EAES 533 Water Resource Management
Social Science Perspective
ANTH 522Environment and Community3-4
or EAES 792 Special Topics in Environmental Science and Management
Business Perspective
MGMT 565Project Management1.5
MKTG 563Global Business Impact1.5
Research Requirements
Colloquium in Environmental Management
Required Dissertation Courses30
Dissertation Advisement
After completing 30 hours of EAES 900, register for 1 hour of EAES 901 per semester, as needed.
Select 6 credits from the list below:6
Qualifying Portfolio/Exam/Assessment
Successfully complete the qualifying portfolio, examination or assessment requirement.
Admission to Candidacy
Following completion of pre-dissertation research courses and qualifying exam, you may be admitted to candidacy.
Dissertation Requirement
Complete a dissertation in accordance with Graduate School and doctoral program requirements.
Total Credits72-73


ANTH 529Building Sustainable Communities3-4
BIOL 520Plant Physiology3
BIOL 543Advances in Immunology3
BIOL 547Molecular Biology I3
BIOL 550Special Topics in Microbiology3
BIOL 554Microbial Physiology3
BIOL 571Physiological Plant Ecology4
BIOL 572Wetland Ecology4
BIOL 573Shoreline Ecology4
BIOL 595Conservation Biology: The Preservation of Biological Diversity3
CHEM 510Hazardous Materials Management3
CHEM 525Bioinorganic Chemistry3
CHEM 534Separation and Analysis3
EAES 509Current Issues in Sustainability Science3
EAES 525X-ray Microanalysis3
EAES 526Geochemistry3
EAES 527Organic Geochemistry3
EAES 528Environmental Forensics3
EAES 529Instrumental Environmental Analysis3
EAES 531Hydroclimatology3
EAES 532Applied Groundwater Modeling4
EAES 535Geophysics3
EAES 550Advanced Marine Geology3
EAES 562Waste Management3
EAES 563Natural Resource Management3
EAES 565Environmental Change and Communication3
EAES 569Air Resource Management3
EAES 610Spatial Analysis3
EAES 660Seminar in Environmental Management3
EAES 710Advanced Geographic Information Systems3
EAES 791Research Methods3
EAES 792Special Topics in Environmental Science and Management1-4
HLTH 502Determinants of Environmental Health3
HLTH 565Foundations of Epidemiology3
MKTG 561Strategic Marketing Management1.5
MKTG 577Special Topics in Marketing1-3
SOCI 581Health, Medicine and Social Policy3
STAT 537Design and Analysis of Experiments3
STAT 538Regression Methods3
STAT 601Statistical Methods for Research Workers II3