Clinical Psychology (Ph.D.)

For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.

Program Requirements

Required Courses - General Psychology
PSYC 506Multicultural Psychology3
PSYC 552Social Psychology3
PSYC 561Developmental Psychology3
PSYC 573Behavioral Neuroscience3
PSYC 704Seminar in Cognition, Learning, and Emotion3
PSYC 745History and Systems of Psychology3
Required Courses - Clinical Psychology
PSYC 565Developmental Psychopathology3
PSYC 574Cognitive Assessment3
PSYC 575Clinical Assessment3
PSYC 670Evidence-Based Psychological Interventions I3
PSYC 678Ethics and Professional Issues in Psychology3
PSYC 702Evidence-Based Psychological Interventions II3
PSYC 894Seminar in Professional Practice3
Required Courses - Research/Statistics
PSYC 510Research Methods in Psychology3
PSYC 550Quantitative and Statistical Methods3
PSYC 578Psychometrics3
PSYC 739Multivariate Statistics3
PSYC 740Theory Building and Model Testing3
or PSYC 741 Hierarchical Linear Modeling
Select Option A, B or C below.12
Clinical and Research Activities
PSYC 780Pre-Doctoral Practicum (Complete 6 times)6
PSYC 895Pre-Doctoral Internship I1
PSYC 896Pre-Doctoral Internship II1
PSYC 900Dissertation Advisement (Complete 4 times)12
Qualifying Portfolio/Exam/Assessment
Successfully complete the qualifying portfolio, examination or assessment requirement.
Admission to Candidacy
Following completion of pre-dissertation research courses and qualifying exam, you may be admitted to candidacy.
Dissertation Requirement
Complete a dissertation in accordance with Graduate School and doctoral program requirements.
Total Credits86

Option A - Open Electives

Complete two courses from the following:
PSYC 546Data Science for Social Scientists3
PSYC 650Theories of Interpersonal and Familial Violence3
PSYC 659Special Topics in Psychology3
PSYC 661Introduction to School Psychology3
PSYC 665Child and Family Forensic Assessment3
PSYC 668Consultation Methods in Psychoeducational Settings3
PSYC 671Interventions in Forensic Psychology3
PSYC 679Family Systems and Therapy3
PSYC 709Seminar in Clinical Child Psychology3
PSYC 725Psychological Science and the Law3
Complete two courses from the following:
CHAD 502Child Abuse and Neglect3
CHAD 503Current Social Issues in Child Advocacy3
CHAD 504Children and Justice3
CHAD 505Forensic Interviewing of Children3
CHAD 510Culturally Competent Practice in Child Advocacy3
CHAD 512The Bullying Spectrum3
CHAD 518Development and Trauma in Adolescence3
CHAD 520Adolescents and the System3
CHAD 521Substance Abuse and Family Crisis3
CHAD 545Advocacy in Child Behavioral Health3
CHAD 602Child Advocacy Policy and Practice3
COUN 652Introduction to Marriage, Couples and Family Counseling3
EDFD 524Analysis and Interpretation of Assessment Data for Educational Decision Making3
EDFD 533Ethics, Politics, and History of Educational Assessment3
ELAD 521Education Law3
FSHD 821Policy in Family Science and Human Development3
FSHD 842Family Processes and Theories3
FSHD 844Power and the Intersectionality of Social Locations3
PSYC 546Data Science for Social Scientists3
PSYC 659Special Topics in Psychology3
PSYC 661Introduction to School Psychology3
PSYC 664Criminal Forensic Assessment3
PSYC 665Child and Family Forensic Assessment3
PSYC 668Consultation Methods in Psychoeducational Settings3
PSYC 671Interventions in Forensic Psychology3
PSYC 679Family Systems and Therapy3
PSYC 709Seminar in Clinical Child Psychology3
PSYC 725Psychological Science and the Law3
WRIT 510Special Topics in Grant Writing3

Option B - Emphasis in Clinical Child Psychology 

PSYC 679Family Systems and Therapy3
PSYC 709Seminar in Clinical Child Psychology3
Complete two courses from the following:6
Child Abuse and Neglect
Current Social Issues in Child Advocacy
Children and Justice
Forensic Interviewing of Children
Culturally Competent Practice in Child Advocacy
The Bullying Spectrum
Development and Trauma in Adolescence
Adolescents and the System
Substance Abuse and Family Crisis
Advocacy in Child Behavioral Health
Child Advocacy Policy and Practice
Introduction to Marriage, Couples and Family Counseling
Analysis and Interpretation of Assessment Data for Educational Decision Making
Ethics, Politics, and History of Educational Assessment
Education Law
Policy in Family Science and Human Development
Family Processes and Theories
Power and the Intersectionality of Social Locations
Data Science for Social Scientists
Special Topics in Psychology
Introduction to School Psychology
Child and Family Forensic Assessment
Consultation Methods in Psychoeducational Settings
Total Credits12

Option C - Emphasis in Forensic Psychology  

Complete four courses from the following:12
Data Science for Social Scientists
Theories of Interpersonal and Familial Violence
Criminal Forensic Assessment
Child and Family Forensic Assessment
Interventions in Forensic Psychology
Psychological Science and the Law
Total Credits12
First Year
PSYC 5063PSYC 5103PSYC 5733
PSYC 5503PSYC 5613 
PSYC 5653PSYC 5743 
PSYC 5753PSYC 6703 
 12 12 3
Second Year
PSYC 5523PSYC 7043PSYC 5783
PSYC 7023PSYC 6783 
PSYC 7393PSYC 7801 
Elective Course3Elective Course3 
PSYC 7801  
 13 10 3
Third Year
PSYC 7801PSYC 740 or 7413 
PSYC 8943PSYC 7801 
Elective Course3Elective Course3 
 7 7 
Fourth Year
PSYC 7453PSYC 7801 
PSYC 7801PSYC 9006 
PSYC 9006  
 10 7 
Fifth Year
PSYC 8951PSYC 8961 
 1 1 
Total Credits 86