Asian Languages Minor

Program Requirements

Students MAY double-minor in Asian Languages and in Chinese/Japanese.  Courses may not double-dip between the Asian Languages minor and either the Chinese or the Japanese minor.

Working with the coordinator of the Asian Languages minor, students will choose a sequence of 18 credits in a combination of Asian Languages offered by the Department of World Languages and Cultures (currently Chinese, Japanese and Korean)

Complete a sequence of 18 credits from the following:18
Beginning Chinese I
Beginning Chinese II
Intermediate Chinese I
Intermediate Chinese II
Mastering Chinese
Spoken Chinese
Contemporary Chinese Cinema and Society
Popular Music and Modern Chinese Culture
Introduction to Chinese Culture
Business Chinese
Chinese Study Abroad
Perfecting Chinese Grammar
Beginning Japanese I
Beginning Japanese II
Intermediate Japanese I
Intermediate Japanese II
Japanese Conversation and Culture
Kanji through Reading
Reading in Japanese
Gender and Social Status in the Japanese Language through Manga and Short Stories
Advanced Japanese I
Advanced Japanese II
Advanced Japanese III
Japanese Study Abroad
Advanced Japanese IV
Beginning Korean II
Beginning Korean I
Intermediate Korean I
Intermediate Korean II
Mastering Korean: Daily Life in Korea
Conversational Korean through K-Pop and Popular Culture
Reading in Korean
Business Korean
Korean Study Abroad
Perfecting Korean Grammar
Special Topics in Asian Culture
Total Credits18