Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations Minor

An 18 credit program available to undergraduate students from any major. The undergraduate Minor in Ancient Mediterranean Civilizations examines the cultures and societies of the ancient Mediterranean region, broadly understood to include the major cultures of the Near East and Egypt as well as Greece and Rome, with special emphasis on institutions and society.  Students in the program take two introductory courses selected from Greek and Roman history or art history surveys, or introductions to the Western humanities and to classical archaeology (most of these introductory courses may be counted toward General Education requirements for all MSU students), and continue with four upper-level courses in the history and culture of ancient Mediterranean and Near Eastern civilizations, including one course on an archaeological topic.

Program Requirements

Introductory Courses
Select two of the following:6
Introduction to Classical Archaeology
General Humanities I (to 1400)
Greek Civilization
Roman Civilization
Global Foundations in Art and Visual Culture
Art History and Archaeology
Select one of the following:3
Aegean Art and Archaeology
Greek Art
Roman Art
Early Medieval Art: Early Christian, Byzantine Early Medieval
The City in Antiquity
Special Topics in Mediterranean Archaeology
Field Methods in Mediterranean Archaeology
Reading Seminar in Mediterranean Archaeology
Complete three courses from the list below.9
Total Credits18


Select three of the following:9
HUMN 115Troy and the Trojan War3
HUMN 209Introduction to Greek and Roman Religion3
HUMN 211Classicism and American Culture3
HUMN 215Traditions of Healing in the Ancient and Pre-Modern World3
HUMN 230Ancient Greece and Rome in the Cinema3
HUMN 283Women, Gender, and Sexuality in the Ancient World3
HUMN 290Special Topics in Greek and Roman Literature and Culture3
HUMN 320Special Topics in Interdisciplinary Humanities3
HUMN 332Special Topics in Ancient History (Greece, Rome, W. Asia, N. Africa, Europe)3
HUMN 355Alexander the Great: Legend and Legacy3
HUMN 357The Roman Republic3
HUMN 358Cleopatra3
HUMN 359Rome in the Age of Augustus3
HUMN 360The Roman Empire3
HUMN 381Africa in Classical Antiquity3
HUMN 384Introduction to Roman Law3
GREK 301Greek New Testament3
GREK 361Greek Historians3
LATN 415Roman Biography3
LATN 451Roman Historians3
LATN 461Caesar: End of the Republic3
PHIL 331History of Philosophy: Ancient Philosophy3
POLS 333Special Topics in Political Thought3
RELG 209Introduction to Greek and Roman Religion3