Academy of Nutrition and Dietetics Certificate Program

For details about this program, including program description, admission requirements, and contact information, click here.

Program Requirements

Complete with a minimum GPA of 2.50. (To meet DPD requirements each course must show a grade of 'C' or better.)

Physical and Biological Sciences
Biochemistry must have been completed within the past 10 years.
BIOL 243Human Anatomy and Physiology4
BIOL 255Survey of Microbiology4
CHEM 113Fundamentals of Chemistry4
CHEM 130Fundamentals of Organic Chemistry4
CHEM 270Fundamentals of Biochemistry5
Behavioral and Social Sciences
NUFD 153Dynamics of Food and Society3
PSYC 101Introduction to Psychology3
NUFD 150Food Composition and Scientific Preparation3
NUFD 240Sanitation Management and Food Microbiology: Certification1
NUFD 255Meal Design and Management3
NUFD 192Nutrition with Laboratory4
NUFD 381Applied Nutrition in the Lifecycle3
NUFD 382Advanced Nutrition 14
or NUFD 501 Principles of Nutrition
NUFD 383Applied Community Nutrition3
NUFD 398Dietetics Professional Seminar3
NUFD 399Medical Nutrition Applications3
NUFD 403Planning and Evaluating Programs3
NUFD 488Medical Nutrition Therapy I 14
CMST 101Fundamentals of Speech: Communication Requirement3
WRIT 105College Writing I3
NUFD 482Nutrition Counseling3
Learning Theory
NUFD 412Nutrition Education Techniques 13
or NUFD 581 Nutrition Education
Math and Data Processing/Evaluation
STAT 109Statistics3
NUFD 404Introduction to Research 13
or NUFD 505 Research in Nutrition and Food Science
Food Service System Management
NUFD 450Quantity Food Applications 13
or NUFD 550 Advanced Quantity Food Applications
NUFD 452Organization and Management of Foodservice Systems 13
or NUFD 588 Organizational Behavior in Food Businesses
Total Credits85

Must be taken at Montclair State University.


Recommended Roadmap to Program Completion

This plan is provided as an outline for students to complete their program requirements within three years.  This plan is a recommendation only and students should meet with their Graduate Advisor to develop a more individualized plan to complete their program.

First Year
NUFD 1503NUFD 1533
NUFD 1924NUFD 2401
CHEM 1134CHEM 1304
WRIT 1053CMST 1013
 STAT 1093
 14 14
Second Year
NUFD 2553NUFD 3813
NUFD 3833NUFD 4033
BIOL 2434CHEM 2705
BIOL 2554PSYC 1013
 14 14
Third Year
NUFD 382 or 5014NUFD 3981
NUFD 3993NUFD 404 or 5053
NUFD 412 or 5813NUFD 452 or 5883
NUFD 450 or 5503NUFD 4823
 NUFD 4884
 13 14
Total Credits 83