Interdisciplinary Studies - Bloomfield College (IDS)

IDS 001  College Readiness  (0 credits)

The goal of the College Readiness course is to welcome you to Bloomfield College (BC) and provide support in your transition to college life. This course is designed to expose you to academic skills, and success strategies, as well as connect you to important campus resources. No credit awarded.

IDS 105  Summer Bridge to Success  (3 credits)

This summer course, open to all incoming first-year students and required for students in the EOF & LEAP programs, is an intensive summer course designed to introduce students to the skills necessary for initial success in college. The course introduces students to the patterns of behavior that are necessary for success. It also provides intensive mathematics and writing instruction to prepare students for their first semester. Students who complete the course may have their initial writing and math placements revised as a result of additional assessment.

IDS 155  Pathways to Adult Learning  (3 credits)

This entry level, multidisciplinary course is recommended of all evening and weekend freshmen. It is designed to help adult learners make the transition to formal learning by strengthening skills and acquiring new knowledge. The course also aims to help students learn to balance personal, professional and academic schedules.